Exhaustion with rain

Why is this can barely move everythings like under control except this… also ive been having lots of vesselproblems lots of broken vessels in legs. My feet get very hot at the end of the day and i get some water retention. I eat no gluten

What I understand about immunological issues (lupus) are random in nature. I am always hot, clammy in the morning. I hurt all over. Now I am having a tooth problem and it is excruciating.

I drop everything. My clamp mode in my hands are broken. LOL . My cognitive functioning is very low. I am trying to continue to work, but it scares me. Don't know how long this old body will hold up.

I just hate how this moves around my body. Last night my clamp mode was broken also. I kept dropping everything and knocking things over. I dropped a cup of hot water all over myself. I felt like throwing a temper tantrum by throwing something across the room. I might have if I could have held onto something long enough to throw it. :-)

LOL.... I totally get it. My husband says, "pay attention". He means well, but it doesn't make sense to most people. :) Thank you for sharing. It helps to know I'm not the only one.

My cognition is such a mess too. Thankfully I am able to work and focus, but talking socially is so random. I can't get the right words to match my actual thoughts. It makes me look soooo stupid.

Fortunately, I am building repor with my co-workers and supervisor. They understand better why I do some of these things.

Take care!!


Most of the people I communicate with understand that what comes out of my mouth isn't always what I mean. Some of the comments are really off the wall and we all get a good laugh at them. I have found that it is better to laugh at the results of this mess than get too frustrated with it. If I laugh at it then others are more willing to take it in stride too. They get more understanding without the tiptoeing around it. I shared how I had felt last night with a friend that was here this morning and she went in to the box of toys for my grandkids and got out a stuffed animal with a looped tail. She brought it in and gave it to me and told me that next time I could just put my hand inside the loop and throw the monkey. We then had fun throwing the monkey at each other. I'll keep it by my chair and throw it next time.

TAZJones said:

LOL.... I totally get it. My husband says, "pay attention". He means well, but it doesn't make sense to most people. :) Thank you for sharing. It helps to know I'm not the only one.

My cognition is such a mess too. Thankfully I am able to work and focus, but talking socially is so random. I can't get the right words to match my actual thoughts. It makes me look soooo stupid.

Fortunately, I am building repor with my co-workers and supervisor. They understand better why I do some of these things.

Take care!!