Epigenetics, a new scientific field

This info was contributed to the Fibromyalgia site by our friend Allergic, and I wanted to share this with you!


There is hope for our offspring!

Now that is interesting. I have always thought that the body the spirit and the mind were connected and in order to make a change on one you had to effect all three. In a way it makes sense if you believe humanity is constantly evolving to fits its environment which I do. Look at people today verses say the middle ages. They were much smaller and densely muscled and we are much taller and our muscle structure is leaner. What intrigues me is that I can potentially effect a positive health change for myself with a positive environment , love, good nutrition. Wouldnt it be amazing if getting and staying well were simply loving ourselves enough to take care of our bodies, spirits, and emotions. Wow what a concept.

You get it! As my Chiropractor says 'we are ONE UNIT'! I wanted to share this glimmer of hope with you, should probably put it on the Psoriatic Arthritis site too!