Cant Sleep in Pain

Uh oh, my name is Sarah aka fighter, not Beverly (Lol), but I am glad you and your daughter are doing fine. Many blessings and many hugs xoxoxo

Hey Fighter, my daughter is ok thanks. All her tests came back normal thank god. My hip is still giving me a problem. I’m just taking it one day at a time. I guess that’s all we can do. Thank you so much for thinking of my daughter n myself. It means sop much to me. Hope your doing ok. How r u feeling?

Hi Beanzie, i have just had three bad nights where i havent slept this week, i have been trying to read to get off to sleep but its so hard when you are in pain, i do understand as everywhere that hurts on me today is playing up, so i am trying to tire myself out even more, not that i could get much more tired. I couldnt get myself going this morning because i was so tired from lack of sleep, so i know i need a proper nights rest. Sometimes at the weekend if i feel abit better i make up for it, as i dont really go anywhere very often now. So good luck with getting some sleep, take care, just a thought have you tried lavender spray on you pillow at all, you can get it from the health food shops, sometimes it helps me, just an idea. Anyway take care, look after yourself, love and hugs Astrid40xoxo

I feel for you, I recently had a really bad flare up and it felt exactly like both my hips were grinding bone on bone. I have suffered with similar flare ups for about 10 years but was only diagnosed with Lupus, Sjogren’s and RA almost a year ago. I am 39 years old and had developed a system of pain control during my late 20s and early 30s due to severe Endometriosis which eventually led to a Radical Hysterectomy at 31. I thought I was cured, but I didn’t know what the real culprit was. I had endured years of ER visits so I became stubborn about not going to the doctor for nothing short of death, then I strained my back at work one day and went into the flare up I mentioned at the beginning and that kicked my symptoms up about 1000%. I was on my back pretty much for three weeks and nothing has gone back to the way it was before. I now have pain every day and I struggle to get myself moving in the mornings, tired all day, and then I can’t sleep at night due to muscle twitching and bone pain. I feel lost most of the time, with big boulders in my gut.

Omg I’m so sorry u r going through. I can’t believe u have RA n Lupus I can’t even imagine. You know its crazy I think to myself how much pain I’m in. Sometimes I forget there r people out there who r worse off then me. I’m so thankful to have people like you to turn too. Thank you so much. I am in a lot of pain with my hip for about a week or more n it does feel like bone rubbing against b one. I hope u feel better. I will pray for you.

Hi, there i was just reading your two posts, and its amazing how we all have the same or similar things going on. I was just saying to Suzie a while ago, out of all the things on the list on the photo of the person you can get with all the Lupus ailments listed on the parts of the body there is only one of them i havent got, which is the psychosis.. I was abit concerned i might develope it as i have brain involvement, but was reassured its not like a usual psychosis that someone who was mentally ill would get, it only lasts for three days but is quite severe, thats long enough though. No-one really knows what they are going to get when they get Lupus, we just have to try and stay strong and try and keep ourselves as up in mood as we can, not as easy as it sounds though. I have RA, i have Sjorgrens, fibromyalgia, fibrosis of the lungs, ischaemic heart disease, endocarditis, kidney problems, some long name to do with the liver, and bones. I also have Osteoporosis, ulcers, lesions, hardly any teeth left, hair loss, you name it, i think i have got it, i dont very often write it all down, as it can be really depressing to realise thats our life with all these things. I was very active before i got Lupus, i was a dancer,, i used to teach dance, do triathlons. I thought my life was over at first until i thought about it and thought right this is it, i either sit here and wallow, or i get on and find something else i enjoy which i did. So now when i feel up to, i go and do some photography, swim when i can, read alot, and also use the computer of course. I have a wonderful little dog who helps me keep smiling, its not easy being in pain all the time, i have had several nights now where i havent slept because of it. I am up late at the moment, trying to distract myself from it, but i know i need some sleep soon, otherwise i am not going to be much good tomorrow, so i will say bye for now, and i am thinking of you both and hoping you both start to get some relief from you pain etc, take care, look after yourselves, bye for now, love and hugs Astrid40xoxo


Beanzie said:

Hey Fighter, my daughter is ok thanks. All her tests came back normal thank god. My hip is still giving me a problem. I'm just taking it one day at a time. I guess that's all we can do. Thank you so much for thinking of my daughter n myself. It means sop much to me. Hope your doing ok. How r u feeling?

Hi there, we have had some pretty cold weather where i am too, it does affect the pain like you say, i have also had a few sleepless nights, i have done everything i possibly can to distract myself, its not easy though. You said your daughter was 10 years old didnt you, she is the same age as a little girl i look after from time to time. I remember a close friend of ours who was on his own with his baby girl whose mother was no longer around, asking me nearly 10 years ago would i do him a massive favour and become her role model and look after her from time to time and show her the way with the female side of things, to which i said i would be honoured, as long as he understood there would be times when i wouldnt be able to have her over, which was agreed. So i have had the little one since a baby, and who is now 10 and growing into a lovely young lady. She is sensitive to people with health problems and interested in the human body and many other things, so hopefully she wont be someone who is judgemental towards anyone in her life. I am really close to her, she often has said to me she wishes i was her real mum, but i said i am not going anywhere, i dont have to be your real mum to be there for you, which she accepts. Childen make us stronger and anything that threatens them, or hurts them, we feel it and are prepared to go to the ends of the earth for them, so i do understand how you feel about your daughter, maybe not as much as if i had given birth to the girl i look after. I do love her like my own though. I will also pray for you and everyone who is having trouble sleeping and struggling through pain. I am also going to pray for those who are ignorant to disability. The little girl i look after gets bullied for not having a proper mother at home, yet her father does a good enough job for both, i tell her she mustnt take any notice of their cruel remarks, like adults at times, children can be cruel too. We have to remain as strong as we can through whatever life chucks at us. I know i have deviated abit from the subject, but i thought you might be interested to hear about the lovely little lady i have helped bring up. There are times when we wish we could give up, but when we think of the important people and animals in our lives we know there is no way we can do that to any of them. Take care, bye for now, love and hugs Astrid40xoxo

Hi Beanize, am doing okay !! The weather here is bad for the ast 3-5 days , it's been raining and the wind is very high . This calls me to have a lot of pain in my hip also . But really i just deal with it , and try not to pay attention to it ( that sometimes helpful) , or normally i will just go lay down for awhile to ease some of the strain of the muscles pulling and burning on the heating pad ( which is my best friend - smile ). Trying to keep the humor here is hard at times , but if it funny to me it's funny !!! LOL.. well talk with you later .. Beverly L.

Beanzie said:

Thank you so much Beverly, My daughter is doing ok thank you. All her tests came back normal thank god. My hip is still acting up. I know I just have to take it one day at a time. Thank you so much for the concern. How r u feeling? Hope your doing ok.

I hear you loud and clear love ! Can’t sleep or get comfortable. Am supposed to get a new bed but I feel like even sleeping on a cloud right now wouldn’t make me feel good:-( . In between my joints it feels like napom and a never ending hurt that never dips below a 7 ! My right hip , my ankels and hands hurt . My shoulders and sternum as well :frowning: I stood tonight in the shower till it got cold and it eleviated some pain but it came back tenfold. Then it takes me forever to fall asleep and by the time I fall asleep the dogs are awake and need to be let out and my husband has sleep apnea and doesn’t wake ontime to get chores or breakfast for his son trust me this is week 7 of insomnia . Talked to my nero and he said he might be able to help . If I was closer I would say pile on the couch next to and I would read to you my sister says my stories always make her fall asleep ! Still trying to see if that’s a compliment or an insult either way seems like we both could use it! Have you tried melinonin? Or unisome? Camimile tea?

Hi there Moonlight butterfly, i dont think we have met before, so before i say anything else, its really good to meet you and speak with you. I have the same problems. I also get really hot all the time even though i have bought the lowest tog quilt and dont put the heating on during the night, i am up and down like a yo-yo, it drives me mad at times. It doesnt matter what i do, i just cant get that comfortable sometimes. I have had a few times in the past where i have been able to get some good sleep, but over the last year it has been really bad and i have been so tired which is affecting me badly. I feel so sore and in pain with everything. The other day i noticed my arm was all red as well, i had never had that before, it looked similar to how it is on my face but alot brighter, eventually it did calm down, but i hate it when new things happen that i dont know what they are. I keep a cooling spray by my bedside and i am thinking of getting these pillows called Chillow Pillows, they are cooling inserts that go inside your own pillow that bring down any higher tempreture to what the tempreture should be, so helping with sleep. If they work for me i will let people know and then i may even buy the one that goes under the sheet, they are only thin and not quite sure how they work yet, but they do sound good. I mentioned the Chillow stuf to my Rhuematologist who was all in favour for them, as he knows how my tempreture goes up and down like mad all the time and it seems to be worst at night. The cooling spray is a great help, so glad i came across it one day a few years ago, it helps not just when you are feeling hot, but also when its summer too. I do know what its like to have insomnia, then feel awful the next day because of it. All i want is to have at least one night at the moment, where i could fall asleep and stay asleep for just a few hours, then i wouldnt feel so tetchy. I have tried nearly everything in the book i think. I have also tried lavender pillow spray which should help. I even bought some of the sleep cream from Avon that you put on your eyelids, no help yet, so its just try to persevere with things really. Its not easy when you are in pain to fall off to sleep. I do tend to read until my eyes can no longer do any more, and sometimes i do nod off for about half an hour then i wake up again. Its a vicious circle for me at the moment. I would of thought the meds i am on would make me sleepy, but they dont. I think though when we need certain meds for say pain, they dont have the side effect of sleepiness like they might on another person who doesnt need them quite as much. I am laying there sometimes, and as soon as my husband's head hits the pillow he is asleep, i am thinking to myself, my goodness, he is so lucky to just fall asleep like that. I keep telling myself it has to get better to keep my spirits up, so that i dont get too down about it, but its not easy is it? I wish you luck with getting some decent sleep, i will pray that this happens for you. I stuck a couple of prayers in the prayer box at church today, so fingers crossed eh, hehe. Anyway take care, look after yourself, love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

Hi fighter , here in georgia we have had some bad weather for almost 2weeks, and yes my pains / aches have been up and down . But remember stay clam as much as possible so that the flare won't last for long or be very bad ... smile .... Beverly L.

fighter said:


Beanzie said:

Hey Fighter, my daughter is ok thanks. All her tests came back normal thank god. My hip is still giving me a problem. I'm just taking it one day at a time. I guess that's all we can do. Thank you so much for thinking of my daughter n myself. It means sop much to me. Hope your doing ok. How r u feeling?

Hi Beanzie, i am so sorry you are suffering with this, i think i have already replied to this. I was just thinking it hasnt got anything to do with Siatica as well as inflammation has it, it sounds dreadful. Have you been to the doctors about it? I had a friend who had this problem with Lupus, and apart from the usual inflammation she found she had Siatica which has the same sort of symptoms where pain radiated from the hip down the leg and its painful to put the foot down and walk anywhere, its just a thought. Anyway i am thinking of you, take care, look after yourself, love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

Thanks for thinking of me. That was a good thought but I think it has to do with the lupus cause I had a siatica prob before n it is very painful but this is def inflammation. I know I do need to go to the Dr but with the problems I was having with my daughter I didn’t go. But now I know she’s ok I’m def going Tues. Also I get disgusted cause the drs usually have no answers for me. Its just so frustrating. Thanks again for thinking of me it means so much.

Hi Beanzie, thankyou for replying and letting me know about the inflammation. I do understand that you would get your daughters health sorted out first, i would be the same if i had children. I think i may of said about i am a mother role model for a friends daughter whom he has been looking after since she was a baby, and asked me if i would help bring her up, giving her the female perspective of things, i am so honoured to have that privaledge. I do love her so much, i know she isnt my daughter but she is like my own at times, and she often says she wishes i was her real mother. Well what i am trying to get to is there has been times when she has stayed with me, and she has had some health problems that needed to be sorted that weekend or it could of got alot worse, so instead of me thinking about my own at the time and what i needed, i took her to the community hospital to get whatever it was sorted out. She once had a really bad case of excema, that had got worse in the space of a couple of days, she had never had excema before, and her dad didnt recognise what it was, he tries to deal with things himself first before rushing her off to the doctor every five seconds, so he had got her some creams, but they didnt help, anyway as she had been scratching, it had made it alot worse. I knew and recognised what it was straight away, but wanted to be sure, so took her to the hospital and got a difinate diagnosis and a prescription for the right creams, within a few days it was looking a lot less sore than before. I have had to take her for a couple of other things to. When we have to, we put others before ourself. I think you said, your daughters tests came back okay, so now its your time to get help and get some relief. I am so pleased you are going to the docs on Tuesday, please will you let me know how you get on, i hope the doctor will find something that gives you some relief. It is frustrating, and trying when we feel awful. Keep strong, not much longer now until your appointment, i will say a prayer for you to help you keep strong, and for some relief of how you are feeling, and for the doctor to be able to help you. You take care, look after yourself, i am thinking of you, love and hugs Astrid40xoxo

Hi there once again Beanize, i think that's what is going on with me also but of course - the doctors say that they don't think that is what it is . I want them to run a nerve test , and they just want to give me more pills (which don't help at all )...LOL So i just deal with the pain and lay down on the ha=eating pad for now . Am thinking about doing Acupuncture !!! I don't noone who has had this and am afraid of needles .. (and that's the funny part about it ) LOL But this to shall pass in the name of JESUS ... smile Well something has to be done and that's for sure , hope that the help comes soon . Well take care and talk with you later ... Beverly L.

I have exactly this same problem at night. Of course some nights are worse then others. Since I have a bad right hip, and then a bad left should I spend most of my night flipping and flopping like a fish out of water. Some nights I feel like I get no sleep. it feels like someone is trying to pull my leg out of the socket!!!

Now that I have Kidney Disease I am only on Tylenol arthritis. I might as well be drinking Kool-aid for the pain.

I am right there with you and empathize with you. The night time really is the worse. I thought about getting a heated bed pad, but then my husband would sweat to death!!!

Good luck...hope you can find some relief!!

Beanzie, I am right there with you, my right hip hurts as well when I lay on the right side, and both of my shoulders hurt even if I am just lying there this horrible pain just shoots through my shoulder. My ankles hurt all through the night and my feet feel as fire is under the bottom of my feet and all of my toes hurt, sometimes even house shoes hurt. So I know your pain, but I believe that God will answer our prayer for relief. Many blessings and hugs xoxoxox


Daily devotions for 01-18-2012:

Title: God's Perfect Timing
Author: Theodore Epp
Devotion: Strength for the Journey
Scripture References:
Romans 4:19
Psalm 18:30
Genesis 17:1-2
Do you enjoy this devotional? Send it on to a friend!


Title: God's Perfect Timing

Genesis 17:1,2

In Genesis 17:1 we are told, "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said
unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."

Thirteen years had gone by since Abraham had hearkened unto Sarah, and during this time there was no mention of
God's appearing to Abraham.

In the Scriptures these 13 years are passed over as a period of spiritual barrenness. For Abraham it was what is
known spiritually as a time of wood, hay and stubble.

But why all of this waiting? God had promised Abraham a son, and by this time only Ishmael had been born into his
home--by a means that was not pleasing to the Lord. The reason for God's delay was so God could bring Abraham to
the end of himself.

Later it was said of Abraham, "And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was
about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb" (Rom. 4:19).

Before divine power is put forth, man must learn his own impotency. Not until Abraham's body was as good as dead
would God fulfill His word.

Man's extremity is God's opportunity. Though to Abraham this seemed like a long delay, God was right on time.
God has a perfect time for everything.

"As for God, his way is perfect" (Ps. 18:30).

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Hi Fighter, thankyou for posting this, it is true that god has a time for everything, and if we wait long enough he will come through for us, as you and i know. It is hard to keep faith when things are going wrong and things are really tough in life, but we must keep the faith, he never gives us on us. Anyway thankyou again, love and hugs Astrid40xoxox

fighter said:


Daily devotions for 01-18-2012:

Title: God's Perfect Timing
Author: Theodore Epp
Devotion: Strength for the Journey
Scripture References:
Romans 4:19
Psalm 18:30
Genesis 17:1-2
Do you enjoy this devotional? Send it on to a friend!


Title: God's Perfect Timing

Genesis 17:1,2

In Genesis 17:1 we are told, "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said
unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."

Thirteen years had gone by since Abraham had hearkened unto Sarah, and during this time there was no mention of
God's appearing to Abraham.

In the Scriptures these 13 years are passed over as a period of spiritual barrenness. For Abraham it was what is
known spiritually as a time of wood, hay and stubble.

But why all of this waiting? God had promised Abraham a son, and by this time only Ishmael had been born into his
home--by a means that was not pleasing to the Lord. The reason for God's delay was so God could bring Abraham to
the end of himself.

Later it was said of Abraham, "And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was
about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb" (Rom. 4:19).

Before divine power is put forth, man must learn his own impotency. Not until Abraham's body was as good as dead
would God fulfill His word.

Man's extremity is God's opportunity. Though to Abraham this seemed like a long delay, God was right on time.
God has a perfect time for everything.

"As for God, his way is perfect" (Ps. 18:30).

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