So I read that taking birth control can cause flare ups…I’m wondering if this is really true. I am wondering what people are using for birth control and if they have had any flare ups from birth control pills?
Well because with my lupus im prone to getting blood clots the only birth control I can be on is the iud and thats because it doesn’t have as many hormones as the other birth control’s have.
I used bc pills at first but because I had to t ake antibiotics frequently that seemed like a waste and I didn’t feel very well when taking them. I’m also allergic to spermicides and have a tipped uterus so no diaphragm. My husband used condoms for a few years then I had a non hormonal IUD put in. Best decision I ever made. If you want kids they can remove it and you can start trying right away, they can stay in up to 10 years, and there’s no hassle, no pill to remember etc… I’m going to have it removed soon since I’m post-menopausal and don’t need it any longer. I started going through menopause in my 30’s. My youngest was conceived after my periods had stopped which is why I got the iud. They aren’t for everyone though. Definitely discuss it with your OB/Gyn. If you’re in a committed relationship and aren’t concerned about STD’s then IUDs are a great option. Good luck!
I use azzurette, less hormones. Regular bc caused flares for me
I didn’t find the pill made my flare ups worse but it made me bleed pretty much nonstop. I switched to a copper IUD and have no issues.
Interesting where did you find the article? Id like to read it. Any how I used condoms years ago and they caused me too much irratation and Im allergic to spermicide. I was on low dose pills were a pain to remember so for 9 yrs I was on the nuva ring and it worked as far as not getting me preggers but it made me feel sick. I havent used anything in three yrs. I just so a gyno. on thurs.. and she just tried to get me on birth control. And I told her I just found out I had lupus 6 weeks ago and wasnt interested in it and I wasnt sure if it would be good for me. She tried to tell me they would help but as I said I was sick and lupus sypmtoms the whole time on them I just didnt know I had Lupus
I get the depo shot, have not noticed any effects other than controlling my ovarian cysts.
I already had my children and had my tubes tied, but I started taking birth control about 5 years ago for hormone issues. About 2 years after that I was diagnosed with Lupus. I stopped taking the birth control pills in January and I think I have felt better and had less active symptoms since then. Of course I can't say for sure that stopping the birth control has anything to do with, as there have been several other big changes in my life since then.
I had Essure done (coils placed in your fallopian tubes that form scar tissue to block sperm). Only an option if you want permanent birth control. I had stroke like symptoms at age 35,cannot use any hormonal bc.
YES! I am 38 and started bleeding like crazy- ovaries shutting down- constant flare for 2 years now- I have been sick as all heck & started when I had an IUD put in - then I lost a tremendous amount of weight & Rheum puts me on Megase - turns out that my body can not tolerate projesterone- put me on a study and now I’m 90lbs (usually 140lbs) won’t give me more than 3mgs of prednisone- on cellcept, methotrexate IM & plaqunil- was taken off the study and appetite stimulant off the study (no muscle to even give me a shot!) - bottom line Megase & Merina IUD both let out progesterone- also my body’ testosterone was a 2- almost non existent!
I have lymph nodes all over my body now that weren’t there before the study- being that 90% of women have lupus I highly suggest that you do not get treated by anybody other than a gynecologist who is aware and Lupus friendly! Work with a team of doctors- who will communicate w/ each other-
Just my advise!
I have not ever taken "the [pill" and never will. I am not going to disrupt my hormones and basically ask for trouble.
that's just my opinion.
for birth control i have used the following:
- abstinence (pretty easy when you're in a flare and feel like crap) :D
- latex-free condoms (sorry, sheep, for taking your skin. wish they made silicone condoms)
- doing "other things" besides intercourse
- hubby got a vasectomy, so now it's a non-issue
try non-latex condoms. the late really irritated me as well. there is usually only ONE brand/ type of non-latex on the shelves at any pharmacy. made all the difference for me.
Querida Jones said:
Interesting where did you find the article? Id like to read it. Any how I used condoms years ago and they caused me too much irratation and Im allergic to spermicide. I was on low dose pills were a pain to remember so for 9 yrs I was on the nuva ring and it worked as far as not getting me preggers but it made me feel sick. I havent used anything in three yrs. I just so a gyno. on thurs.. and she just tried to get me on birth control. And I told her I just found out I had lupus 6 weeks ago and wasnt interested in it and I wasnt sure if it would be good for me. She tried to tell me they would help but as I said I was sick and lupus sypmtoms the whole time on them I just didnt know I had Lupus