Before and After

This photo was taken in 1999, before I was diagnosed, and see how pale I am?


Here I am after I got sick....moon face and butterfly rash.


672-LORIANDCOCO6.jpg (10.4 KB)

Hello Lori,

Thank you for adding the pic's and although you was pale i must admit you looked healthy and so happy on that photo and i won't lye there's so much of a difference now.

Lori i can't believe the amount of member's i've chatted with where pic's have been added from before they found out till now and the difference is unbelieveable and that's goes for myself besides.

It's such a shame in a way out it can destroy us.

Terri xxx

So amazing that you mention being pale - my mother would always comment " you're so pale today honey?" I never knew why?

I love your dogs, I have a soft spot for doggies : )

Thanks for posting these pictures, have a great day and love goes out to you


Hi Trisha,

Sometimes when you pale it's usually through anaemia also.

Hugs Terri xxx

Thank you for the support! I used to wear light colored makeup, even though I didn't need to. I used to lay out in the sun all of the time and had a lovely dark tan. The 1999 photo was Bonnie and Clyde's first Christmas....they are mini-dachshund brother and sister. We lost Clyde last December and had to put him to sleep...he was having Grand Mal seizures. Bonnie is 13 now and she's hanging in there.

The second photo is me with Coco, my angel cat, that I adopted from the Houston SPCA. She saved me and I saved her. I was having one of the most horrible flares and was stuck in bed. The Lord told me to get up and go to the SPCA and I was February 26, 2008.



Oh bless you Lori...what a touching story mate but i really am sorry for your loss with clyde and Bonnie is doing good for 13.

At least yourself and coco are sharing love and i just adore the name.

Hugs Terri xxx

Thank you Terri! We have Clyde's ashes and he will be buried with me, or hubby, when one of us goes. We plan to do this with Bonnie and Coco, also.

Coco was already named when I got her and she is a special needs kitty. She has reflux and a missing enzyme in her colon. We have had her in the vet hospital time and again, but she has always pulled through. Our vet put her on special food and she is doing well. We still have to watch her since she has a seizure every now and then. I love her dearly.

Love and hugs,


Hi Lori,

That's so beautiful to have the ashes took with you and your cat years back had a bad accident by a car, where he had to be put to sleep and i really did lovely Bobby although he'd only come to bob but i had him cramated but never had the ashes but when they're gone it's so hard to adjust to daily lifes routines when they're in amongst it.

Although she was already named it's still lovely and you are taking such care of her and i am pleased she's doing fine now for you and bless her having seizures they're so dangerous for animals never mind humans.

I hope your days not to bad...i know you suffer but just hoping your feeling a slight better in yourself is always nice to know.

All my love you way Lori...Hugs Terri xxx are such an AMAZING friend and I'm lucky to have met you.....I'm inspired by your attitude....THANK YOU!!!!

Love and hugs always,


There is something special about animal lovers : )

My mom was a cat lover, she had 8. She had some beautiful toy cats, one was a beautiful fairy with wings and a beautiful dress, that we put in with her when she passed.

When I got my little Nicky, he was only 4lbs, and the first time I took him to meet her, she gave him a frito chip and put down in front of him. He looked up at her, questioning. She asked, he doesn't like it? I said no, that's too big for him, and I broke it and gave it to him. Every time we brought him for a visit, Mom would treat him with something. She had her own chair, and he would race up stairs to go see her when we would visit. The first time I took him after she passed away, he raced upstairs like a bolt of lightning. I caught up with him, and he was just sitting in front of her chair staring at it.

Hey Lori,

You look good in both pictures! I too am pretty fair (especially when anemic) but used to tan in sun. I have the blond hair, blue eyes of our Prussian ancestors but I had a Cherokee grandmother too. (When my son was born they thought he was jaundiced, when he wasn't because of the yellow undertones.) Now I am red or "blushed" most of the time. I always say well at least I don't need to wear blush anymore! I applied to a job with a dermatologist in recent times. I about fell over when the interviewer said the first 3 months of the job they would teach me--an RN--about makeup. Oh, please. I mean we all want to look ok--but good night! I have avoided prednisone for quite awhile now but I hesitate to even mention it. My cousin that passed from lupus in July looked so bad with her moon face and withered body. She did a rap song for a therapy type thing and it was recorded and put on Utube. They took it down after she died. It's a shame. She could be an example for us all. It was titled, "U gotta love someone, U gotta trust someone." She was 36. (Love you Johna!) Lately, my hair falling out bugs me the most. Thankfully I had alot to start with. Hang in there lady! Karla

Hi Karla,

What.....a makeup lesson???? People can be nuts! I quit wearing makeup after my butterfly rash started and some people love my "blush" and others look at me funny. I think our faces look fresh and happy!

I love hearing about your family history! How did your Cherokee grandmother come to be? I love Native American history!

Bless your precious cousin's heart....she sounds like an amazing person. I'm so sorry that she's gone now, but she is at peace and no more pain! AMEN!

I just talked with my Brother about my DNR papers and he said he would do what I want as long as it is in writing. He and my hubby worked together to save me, back in April, and I have told both of them that I won't go through that life support stuff again. It wasn't their doing since I crashed in the middle of the night, but I'll be prepared if/when I get that sick again.

My hair fell out when I was in the hospital and it is very thin right now...I didn't lose all of it, just large clumps.

Love and hugs,



I've been LUCKY also to come across such an amazing friend in how your coping and your good positive attitude to life regarding Lupus...carrying what you do keeps we all going well.

We all need fight behind us.

Smiley gets a big hug animated emoticonto you and a contented coco
Black and White cat animated emoticonxxx

loriken214 said: are such an AMAZING friend and I'm lucky to have met you.....I'm inspired by your attitude....THANK YOU!!!!

Love and hugs always,


Love the emoti's!!!!!



Hi Lori,

I thought you might like them and i hope they put a smile to you face my friend.

Terri xxxx :)

loriken214 said:

Love the emoti's!!!!!




I know what you mean about your wishes. I've seen so many people disregard that when the patient is unable to decide and if there's nothing in writing. I've seen people who were do not code--coded due to family call at 19th hour. Prime example was my grandfather--still working--70 yrs. old. had a major stroke and was barely verbal--slurred speech, unable to eat, walk, dress, toilet, etc. No advanced directives. He stabilized briefly only to have another massive stroke and be put on life support. No brain activity. A wife and 16 kids left to make decisions. Could not get everyone to agree of course and there was some bad blood for awhile after they let him go. The one's I really don't get are those dying of cancer that are full code. How many times do you want them to die from cancer? I am sorry you had to go thru it. But there must be a purpose. If you are here to teach me something, it could be awhile. I'm pretty hard headed. My mother lives in the land of Denial. I've told her I want to be cremated after organ donation if anything is viable. She hates this. But she said it's ok if my ashes are where she can go talk to me. What? I won't be hanging out with the ashes. Whatever. My new husband almost 2 yrs. had plots before we married--so, she can go there if I get to go first. But all my peeps know I don't want any tubes--feeding or vent. If it's my time, I am ready. I still got stuff I want to do but I'm ready. But I'm glad you stayed with us. You obviously are a survivor. I lose no sleep over the makeup job I didn't get--some dermatologist. Covergirl and I parted ways peacefully with my rosy cheeks. I just use eye makeup. I started wondering about my eyelashes this past week--lookin a little thin and shorter--maybe I'm just paranoid. My Cherokee great grandmother was a beauty. She had a prominent Native nose and long white hair that she plaited up after washing and drying at night. I never met her but I am collecting stories and pictures. It was not discussed for a long time. My family came from the rather prejudiced south up north in the 60's for work. They were a little more proud of their confederate soldiers, cotton farms and slaves of years past than their native heritage. Being a person of "color." My Grandmother was Cherokee from across Texas and Oklahoma into Alabama where she married my grandfather and lived. In census reports she is accounted as "white." What would we have put in the racist south in the 1930's? Her people blended instead of going to the res. for the most part during the time of the "Trail of Tears." So, it's hard to prove and hard to trace. But if I'm close on the I'm 12% or more. It makes lupus a more likely diagnosis which was just a side note. Undiagnosed for over 2 yrs. and running. It really doesn't bother me as long as the damages are mitigated by the medications. I've been lucky. The ancestry thing is fun when you can't sleep and aren't working. My son may never care but it's interesting to me. I believe we have a couple of saints in our tree too along with various royalty and I'm surprised at the countries I didn't know we had been thru. It seems once Americans find their path back to England they stop. (Terri are you listening? We all want to be you.) Where else do they think most of us began? France and Scotland were never in there until I kept going. My Dad's side is hard to trace in part because of the Prussian ancestors who are currently without country. There were some royalty there before the Franco-Prussian War I believe. But by the time his people came to the US all they had was a farm. It might be cool to see someday though. I haven't found any old criminals--just the new ones. No famous people except royals and saints. I have a friend related to Betsy Ross and another who had ancestors from criminals in Australia. Some lines of others have "concubines" listed as mothers--how unfair a description. I could go on forever. I love history and antiques--old things. Stories.... It is interesting how some traditions sneak in to a family without being labelled. A plate of scraps left outside--to feed the Mother. I've seen this on both sides. There is caution on what it is called. But the reverence is there for nature and all her elements. All part of God in my opinion. Sorry for the wordiness. My hubby keeps an ipad in the bathroom for this type of ongoing dribble reading. Ha ha. Take care. Love ya, Karla

Karla! You have such an amazing family history! Thank you for sharing it with me.....I'm very intrigued about all kinds of history and this has really made me imagine what your family must have gone through.

My people came from Scotland, on both sides, and my Mom's side has been traced all the way back to when they came over on the boat. The Grandmother didn't want to come to America and refused to learn to speak English. They arrived at Tennessee and then moved to Florida. Mom and her family came to Texas when she was a young child and ended up in Houston.

My Dad's people came over on the boat, also landed at Tennessee, and eventually migrated to Texas. Daddy was born at home, on the farm, in Nacogdoches County, Texas. My Grandfather had to come to Houston to look for work when the Great Depression hit. He sent for his family after he got settled.

I would love to visit Scotland one day. I've been to Ireland and loved it!



There's some nice family history here from Karla and also yourself Lori...I like this after doing years of work on

My family tree alone olds nearly 8000. :)