I was bad!

Ok, so I took the dog for a walk last night at 7pm. I was out for 30 min. I'll admit, I didn't reapply my sunblock to my face. This morning I woke up looking like I have a sunburn on my cheekbone area! I'm reminded of how some of my uncles looked after drinking too much. I was just gonna wait to see the derm in 2 weeks, but I think I'll call the rheumy too just to let him know whats happening. Maybe its just a side effect of the prednisone or plaquenil. Although i don't think so, since I've taken prednisone plenty of times and this has never happened and I've taken plaquenil for over a year and this redness has just been coming on over the past few weeks. We'll just have to wait and see.

Here's a great site to have handy Lupus Foundation. I think going to your Doctor is a great idea. It's always important to listen to your body. Let us know how everything turns out.

I called my rheumy this morning. I told him since we really didn't know what we were dealing with I'd like to run this by him. I told him what I looked like and that I didn't itch or have any blisters. He did say that photosensitivity is a symptom of either lupus or connective tissue disease. (6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other in my book) He did agree I should see a derm and if that dr orders any labs to have them faxed to him. Guess we'll find out more in 2 weeks. :)
Ann A. said:

Dear Natestiredmom,

It is definitely a good idea to get this checked out (and I hope that your dermatologist is better than the one who prescribed antifungal medication for my lupus rash). If you are having a photosensitive reaction at 7:00pm then you are really one extremely photosensitive woman. Did you get any unprotected sun exposure in the two previous days?

I know my symptoms have been slowly ratcheting up with the advent of summer. I can hardly wait to see how I feel by fall.

Plaquenil makes you MORE sun sensitive, so it could be from the sun.

Big hat perhaps? Quicker than sunscreen. You could do both of course.

Congrats on your sons accomplishment! Look for the good where you find it :)

Ann A. said:

I sincerely hope that you are not too photosensitive to go out in the evening. I also hope, that if you need to do so, you can easily integrate sun protection into your life.

I am battling to rid myself of a rash that has remained on my right hand and wrist continuously for the past two years. I am loving my new sleeves and my new gloves. I actually ordered the gloves that are designed to protect the hands when people use finger nail polish dryers that emit UV. I am going to need more than one pair. But on Wednesday, I will finally be getting the sun-shading tint applied to the windows in my car.

In July my 46 year old son will be awarded a graduate degree at a ceremony that will be held outside. It is my plan to attend this ceremony. So, I am working on have a great looking "mother of the graduate" outfit that protects me from the sun.

nates tired mom said:

I called my rheumy this morning. I told him since we really didn't know what we were dealing with I'd like to run this by him. I told him what I looked like and that I didn't itch or have any blisters. He did say that photosensitivity is a symptom of either lupus or connective tissue disease. (6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other in my book) He did agree I should see a derm and if that dr orders any labs to have them faxed to him. Guess we'll find out more in 2 weeks. :)
Ann A. said:

Ann, you are are fighter- and I love that!

I, too, love proving people wrong when they tell me I can't do something.

When the nephrologist told me I'd need new kidneys in 5 years, I said "this is unacceptable. I do not accept this." And I went about researching and implementing all kinds of alternative medicine and diet changes. And I still have my kidneys, 11 years later, and they are working fine.

Don't let other people decide your limitations, or doom you with their words.

Ann A. said:

@ Natestiredmom,

I was told that I should not have a second child. My second child is now 40 years old and has two children of her own (a four year old and a one year old). I was told that I could not finish my BA. I finished a BA, MA, and PHD. I was told that I could not hold down a full time job. After finishing my PHD, I held down a very demanding full time academic appointment at a major research university for 30 years.

Ann A & Carla,

We 3 think similarly. I really get discouraged when a Dr. tells me all the worst possible things that will happen, and to them, it will happen in a short time. I have found that some medicine and some natural treatments are the best way to go, and that doctors don't have magical powers to heal...or to curse us...unless we choose to believe their "worst case scenario" speech. We are all warriors, fighting something we can't see, something that can overwhelm us, but we still fight to stay alive and live the best way we can.

Hang in there!

Carla Ulbrich said:

Ann, you are are fighter- and I love that!

I, too, love proving people wrong when they tell me I can't do something.

When the nephrologist told me I'd need new kidneys in 5 years, I said "this is unacceptable. I do not accept this." And I went about researching and implementing all kinds of alternative medicine and diet changes. And I still have my kidneys, 11 years later, and they are working fine.

Don't let other people decide your limitations, or doom you with their words.

Aww thanks Ann. I think you are pretty amazing too.

It occurred to me at some point that doctors only see sick people. If you get well, you stop going. So... I figure their viewpoint is skewed.

Sheila W. said:

Ann A & Carla,

We 3 think similarly. I really get discouraged when a Dr. tells me all the worst possible things that will happen, and to them, it will happen in a short time. I have found that some medicine and some natural treatments are the best way to go, and that doctors don't have magical powers to heal...or to curse us...unless we choose to believe their "worst case scenario" speech.