At my Wits' End

So, I've been on Plaquenil for about 4 months, and I have noticed a big improvement, overall, in the way I'm feeling. I am not nearly as fatigued as I used to be. I still feel tired, at the end of my work day, but not the "barely making it through the front door before I collapse" exhaustion I've had for the past year or so. Other than catching every bug that floats around (and I work around kids, so there are TONS of them), I am feeling quite a bit better, in general. I still have a hard time getting started in the mornings but, once I manage to get up and out, I do okay. My problem is that, as soon as I crawl into bed, at night, the pain kicks in. I'm talking about the "my skin hurts, my muscles hurt, my joints hurt and I wanna curl up and die" kind of pain. OTCs haven't worked. My doc prescribed Celebrex, which I took just long enough to start feeling the benefits before developing an allergic reaction, resulting in blisters, hives and sores all over my body. So, my doctor told me to stop taking it. The problem with THAT is that he didn't prescribe anything else to replace it. The pain makes it impossible to sleep, which is one of the reasons I have trouble getting started, in the morning. I can't stand the touch of the bedding against my skin but, with the weather turning colder, I can't sleep without the bedding, either! Don't know what to do! Any suggestions???

Ask to try Relafen a similar drug but with fewer allergic reactions

I just realized I sleep better without my sheet and bedspread and just use my down comforter. It’s lightweight and keeps me warm.

That could be stemming from fibromyalgia. I take many meds to control all of the diseases I have. Plaquenil keeps the disease from getting worse as well as your joints from deteriorating. I take a combo of norco (vicodin with less tylenol) and trazodone to sleep at night. The trazodone is an older anti-depressant that works really well for sleep. I take 200mg about an hour before bed which is less than the dose needed to treat depression. It gives me a solid 8 hours of sleep. I wake up hurting but I don’t feel the pain while I’m sleeping. If I don’t take it or only take 100mg my skin feels like it’s on fire and I’m rubbing my burnt skin off on the sheets in addition to the feeling like someone has beaten me all over with a baseball bat. It was a huge life saver for me. I can snuggle with my kids again before bed. You might try asking your doc about it. It seems to help with the daytime pain as wellm. Good luck

ok my connection just broke and wiped out my blog ugh- well pain pills are useful in certain times-maybe try one before sleeping and see if it helps sometimes I do just to sleep without pain it helps sometimes. Really you have to try what works for Jazmin-let us know ok, options are better than none.

This has happened to me as well. For me there are days when I can deal with it and other days when it becomes unbearable. I take vicodin mostly at night because that’s when the pain is the worst. Without the Vicodin I’m an unable to sleep. I also take elavil ( very low dose ) which is an older antidepressant to help me sleep. In addition I take 200 milligrams of progesterone ( I’m postmenopausal ) but my OBGYN prescribes it for depression. She told me to take it at night because it will help me sleep. And so between all of that I sleep fairly well. One thing I know for sure, I cannot go without sleep and continue to function at work. So sleep is a top priority for me. If what you’re doing currently isn’t working, the best solution is to try something else. I’m hoping you find some relief from your pain and get a good nights rest as soon as possible.

Try Cymbalta maybe it will help. May be you could also ask your doc for some pain meds to take at nite or maybe some Xanax it will help you sleep. I wish you well I have been where you are and the above meds did help me. Best of luck and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Lotsa good lotion on the skin. I mean lotsa. Get some of those fleecy pajamas. Also there are adult PJs with feet in them. This stuff works for me. Hope it does for you. Hope all passes soon so you can enjoy the holidays. My thoughts are with you.

My physical therapist taught me to log-roll and sit up in one motion. Don't know why it's works (95%). Sometimes nothing helps and I get the achey breakies and can't pull it together for up to two hours. The log-rolling has almost eliminated it though.

You have to hold on.

Cuddle ewe which is a wool pad you place under your sheets might help expensive sheets they are softer plus the t-shirt shirt material might be soft...just using your down is also great option if keeps your warm.

That cuddle ewe is 100% wool so will help keep you warm in summer, cool in winter and it was originally made for those with fibro who tend to be sensitive to touch....many is exactly how you say...fabric even hurts.

You might take the fibro test...yes there is now a fibro test! But many insurances are not covering it and still is being only supplied by people who invented it. BUT reliability is higher than blood test for RA so accurate.

Also have you tried epsom salts baths and seen if it helps by chance? it really might and sure is not going to hurt plus it is great way to relax and have hour to read!!

I had bad pains while trying to get to sleep. One of my main ones was my toes and ankles. They hurt so bad it literally felt as if they were broken. I put a rolled up pillow at the very end of my bed to actually lift the blankets off me so the weight of them i isn’t on me at all. I wear nice warm pajamas too. And to help with relaxing enough to sleep I do a lot of slow and very controlled breathing. In through my nose and out through my mouth. It works at least 5 nights out of 7 so I figure that’s pretty good and I take it :slight_smile:
Hope that’s helpful. And I hope you get a great sleep tonight.
All the best

I have a heated mattress pad because I can’t stand to much over me, especially something heated. It feels delicious to lay on the warmth and helps my muscles too. I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond and it was about $100 for a queen size. It was well worth the investment. And it has dual controls so if you sleep with someone else, they can control their side.