
I'm always sharing how bad I feel with you guys. Today I need to tell you all that for two days my head has been clear and my aches and pains are minimal. I'm so excited I can't stand it! I forgot how it used to be. This is wonderful!

If I feel this good for another couple of weeks, I'll happily go to Sea World for my daughters' birthday! xoxox Kathy

Soooo happy that you are feeling good. It's always great to hear positive stories about minimal pain and aches. I now that you will have a great time at Sea World for your daughters birthday. Take care and I'm praying your next few weeks are as good as today.

Thanks, Nu...For me it feels like a miracle. I didn't know I could ever have a good day again! I thought it important that everyone know we can have some pretty dang good days! lol...Unfortunately for my husband, he missed my good days so far because he's sleeping! lol. I took the opportunity though to do some special bonding with my daughters and their significant others!

NuDirection said:

Soooo happy that you are feeling good. It's always great to hear positive stories about minimal pain and aches. I now that you will have a great time at Sea World for your daughters birthday. Take care and I'm praying your next few weeks are as good as today.

What a wonderful 2 days for you! I had a great day yesterday so I understand your excitement. It was amazing to have energy and a brain that was functioning! I sure hope you can continue the good days for your trip to Sea World. Prayers and good wishes headed your way.

Nice, Kathy!! Seaworld, I've never been. Have fun.

I too have been feeling good, today, I felt like I have been laying around way too much and actually got mad at myself for laying around and not being productive. Then I had to forgive me, as my daughter always tells me, and just go with it.

Hi Kathy,

Brilliant news mate and lets hope it rides like that for you, for quite a while and nothing better than having a great break....i really hope you go to Sea world with your daughter and make her day so enjoyable so you can both have a smashing time together.

Lovely news to give we all and i am so pleased for you.

((Al arge hug your way)) Love Terry xxx

Glad you're feeling better!

Hi Kadeeee!

That is for sure a Woooo Hoooo moment in time, I hope you feel even better on your daughter's birthday! So glad to hear this good news!


Hi Kathy,

You still of the moon today mate because i would be if i felt in your position we're all so happy for you.

Hugs To You animation Terry xxx