Finally some good news!

i finally got approved for disability and ssi! spoke with my lawer today ...she said both offices are still "running numbers" so not sure what my monthly payments will be but any amount will help me and my family..I have an appointment with social secerity monday afternoon to finish paperwork and go over benefits..asked my rhumy a couple days ago to possibly up my fentanyl patch to 25mcgs and she said no problem ,shes awesome! this patch is sooo good for me,i have no side effects,don't feel medicated ,have no upper or lower stomach issues and only had to take 4 tramadol for breakthrough pain yaaaay! my fiance and i are making a little itinerary for our trip to Baltimore January 2 for Johns Hopkins. hotel has a shuttle to the national aquarium and we are totally going!besides that we want to find cool punk clothing and record stores hopefully ..i hungout with my good friend jen today,shes also my primary dr too... she said as far as Hopkins goes unfortunately there not going to have some miracle treatment to save me but they are the best for a reason and always forward thinking going there with no expectations and an open mind.. they'll probably write a chapter about me in some medical journal lol..jen could see how uncomfortable my liver was so see felt aroud and its still huge!she said there's nothing we can do about it now,just hope the cytoxin works to bring down all my inflammation..well see !?!?


This is wonderful news! Congrats on your SSI, that is wonderful.

I'm glad the patch is working well for your pain, you are such a strong person. The national aquarium sounds like fun, please post pictures here when you can. I used to have an aquarium, and I loved it. I even had a little bowl on my desk at work with a Betta. I would talk to him, and fish tanks reduce stress. I'm not sure what I did to his stress level though!

Great news!! I am so glad you are making plans when you go to Baltimore. It helps to ease all the seriousness of why you are going there.

Wonderful news!! Enjoy your side trips in Baltimore.~ Maré

Congratulations on getting your disability! That is a hard fought, uphill battle. I hope you have a great time at the aquarium. It sounds like a really good time. :)

Wendy xx

AWESOME, FANTASTIC News!!! That is great! Soooooo Happy for you. Glad you are getting pain relief. Hope your visit to Johns Hopkins yields you some results or at least a point in right direction. Nothing like feeling like a science experiment At least it is at a progressive & excellent medical facility. Wishing you the best.

Awesome news!!!!
