What precautions should I take when going out in public?

I was just diagnosed a little over a month ago, and have been extremely sick for the past 2 - 3 weeks. I've been taking Prednisone for 5 weeks which helps with the face rash, high blood pressure and Raynauds. I apparently came in contact with the flu and it wiped me out for 8 or 9 days! I was so sick that I became terrified of going out among people and risking another infection. Now that I'm feeling better (not wel,l but grateful for better), I want to go to the hairdresser, the library and the grocery store. I NEED to get out, and my wonderful partner needs a break from doing the shopping and all the errands.

Do you go out when taking Pred during flu season? If so, do you wear a mask and/or take other precautions? I don't want to panic and be ridiculously overly cautious, but I don't want to get sick again. Please advise!


Lupus Warrior #711

Wash your hands frequently and carry a hand sanitizer with you When going to the grocery store use the sanitizer wipes for the cart And avoid crowds and groups of children. So on your trips go during the part of the day when less crowded

I know exactly how you feel…I was told I had it 4 1/2 mos. ago. After the year I had last year, I understand completely, as I’m sure most others do. I have masks that I carry in my purse. If I’m on an airplane or somewhere like that, I definitely wear one. I also carry hand sanitizer and wash my hands. If I’m in the grocery store and someone sneezes or coughs, I run the other way. I’ve also noticed through all this, how many cashiers are sick…coughing, wiping their nose and then handling your food. Scope out a healthy one!! Until I got so sick that I didn’t care if life carried on, u bet your boots I’m going to take precautions. Then on days like today, when all is great, I know there can always be a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s good you are thinking about it.

Thank you, Steen. For several days, I was so sick and depressed thinking that I would NEVER feel good again. Now, I count every day that I'm feeling fairly well as good fortune, and I'm not about to risk losing it if possible. In addition to mask and plastic gloves, I used the store's sanitary wipes to clean the grocery cart handle. I found the mask to be comfortable. Only one child asked why I was wearing it, and after I replied - his mom explained a bit more to him. I wasn't embarrassed at all, and had the opportunity to help get the word out about Lupus. I think the more people who hear about it, the better their understanding will be. Life is good. :>)

You are welcome. I had the flu last year…and didn’t know at the time that I also had Lupus…so I empathize with you. Keep your positive attitude.

Yes i Thank a mask helps !!! I feel that everyone should wear them -smile. becareful if you go out!!..Beverly L.

I flew to Florida in Jan and Feb and wore an antiviral mask. It helped did not get any viruses. Use universal precautions which is good handwashing and use diluted bleach when you can while cleaning. One man asked me which antibacterial soap was the best to buy. Any soap is antibacterial if you use it correctly. Wash your hands while saying the alphabet.