What Do You Do?

I was wondering what y'all do when you have something like a stomach flu? Do you still try to take your meds? What about those of you who take methotrexate? I seem to have caught something, and Friday is looming close. That's my day to take it, AND I have a rheumy appointment that I'm worried about missing. I haven't thrown up yet, but it's not really out of the realm of possibility. I forgot to take my prednisone this morning because I felt so awful, and I've hurt today because of it, but didn't dare take ibuprofen, which would probably FURTHER upset my tummy. Help?

Hello I was just at the er a week ago for severe stomach pain they gave me a mixed cocktail drink which really didn’t help and rantidine so I find that omeprazole over the counter is best I take it first thing in the morning before meds when I was on steroids I too had stomach pain however if I forgot to take it I had severe witjdrawels like double over stomach charlie horse so try that I’m sure it will help better then other things out there

I had the stomach flu a few weeks ago and it was awful.I did continue to take my meds but I found I was extremely dehydrated and uncomfortable. I was given oral rehydration salts, which helped a great deal with my dehydration. I wasn’t able to keep very much down but I would recommend a call to your rheumy. Hope you feel better soon.

I always take my meds. I found that when I have the stomach flu if I take my meds with ginger ale it helps keep them down long enough to absorb most of it. Occasionally, I have thrown up within 20 minutes so I retake them. I only do this when I can see an intact pill in what came up. Popsicles or ice chips are good for staying hydrated. I would take a bite or two of the popsicle every 20 minutes per doc. Just make sure they aren’t a dairy type popsicle. As for the methotrexate, talk to your doc about that because it does suppress your immune system and he might want you over the flu before you take it. I hope you feel better soon. Annemarie

Thank you for all the suggestions y'all. I'm feeling better today, so I'm hoping it was a 24 hour sort of thing. (The stomach flu going around here right now is a week long sort!) Despite feeling better, though, I'm still eager to hear how y'all handle it. I've wondered about it for some time now, but never had any reason to ask.

Annemarie, I will definitely keep the ginger ale with pills idea in mind, if I ever need it!

Glad to hear that you are feeling better now! I would talk with your rheumy before taking your methotrexate on Friday.

Please try and stay hydrated.


I am glad you are better. I try and take my meds with sprite and crackers when im sick.