Went to the Derm today

Went for my follow up today, and low and behold woke up with a behind full of rash...lol. My cheeks are uhm very rosy.

Anyway the Derm decides today after I show him the pics of this second ongoing breakout that I should see the Rheum and I told him the Neuro referred me but I can't get in till June. He is going to try to get me in sooner. He also said he would definitely consider putting me on a daily dose of steroids and or add another immune suppressant if another ... ?boost? of steroids didn't knock this out, but he wants me to see the Rheum first.

Looks like the consensus is clear, see the Rheum... Looks like I'm gonna be itchy and scratchy and miserable for a while.

WITCH HAZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That stuff is amazing. It is 100% naturel and only $1.44 at walmart. U can apply it as often as needet. Just poor it in your hand. slap it on there and stand in front of a fan and let it blow on u till u are dry. I had a horrible rash for weeks and weeks. That was the only thing that helped. I even went as far as putting orol gel on me...

Oh and make sure u aply lotion. Witch Hazle has alcohol in it and it will dry u out....

Please have the demoatologist biopsy the rash. Depending on the type of skin rash depends on the right treatment. I have a rare form I’d skin lupus. It is call tumid lupus. From what I understand tumid lupus is the only type that itches.

Best of luck.

Hello Kimberly,

I really hope your Rheumo appointment comes through soon, nothing worse than suffering and i hope the steriod helps.

I was on steriod creams for my DLE, then i was put on plaquenil by my Rheumo and my DLE as gone beyound both, so come monday i start Dapsone a stronger drug and i hope it does help being stronger and also my arthritis.

All the very best with your flare and appointment coming through soon. ((Hugs)) Terri xxx