Weather affect you?

I was just diagnosed a little over a month ago. I was am still very new to figuring this all out. The past few days, my pain has been terrible. There was a huge storm front that moved in. I have always heard that weather affects these things and have just about always experienced the same pain in the past. I was just wondering if I was the only one....

Oh no, you most definitely are NOT the only one! I can tell weather is coming in something like two days before it gets here. We live in an area that has monsoons, and whew, do they do a number on me! I can even tell you if it's gonna rain or be mostly wind, depending on which hip screams. I had one regular doctor scoff at my claim, telling me that there is a greater barometric change when driving over a mountain pass than there is when weather pushes through. I'd like to kick him in the knees every time storms come through and I hurt. There is no arguing with the timing!

I'm not sure about everyone else, but usually once the storm breaks (given it's an isolated thing, and not just one long string of them), I feel better. My pain eases, my stiffness and slowness eases, and I feel so much better. Is this true with you, llmom? What about everyone else?

Oh yes. The story is very much same with me as well. Since i am not very old to this Lupus experience, i still am trying to predict the weather and the pain pattern. But one thing is for sure with rain my pain rocks many notes higher than regular.

Yes, once the storm breaks, everything starts to feel "better." I have felt this for so long (probably since my mid-teens)- now I have something to call it...

You not the only one, for me just before it rains the bodyaches and stiffness, pain radiates throughout my body. When its humid it makes it uncomfortable to breathe and get extremely fatigue.

I do not like the sun…or hot, humid weather. Makes me fatigued. If I have to be in the sun, I most. Definitely cover up with a hat, lotion and UPF clothing.

Generally speaking, I feel much better and have much less pain during high barometric pressure days. When a low front rolls in, my pain and general discomfort are proportional to exactly how low it is. When it gets down around 29.7 and lower, I am nearly crippled with a migraine-like headache. I've been this way for many years, since way before my diagnosis.

I spent several months in Florida some years ago, and felt much better! Florida ("The Sunshine State") is the land of the high pressure system.... except in hurridane season!

Good luck to you, and watch that barometer.

The weather definitely affects me. I hurt terrible before a rain or snow front. My son says I should be a weatherman.

I too have pain & stiffness with weather changes. Generally when it gets cold is my main problem. I live in Kansas and lately it has been a rollercoaster! One day it will be in the 70s and next day it is literally snowing out. That makes my joints hurt really bad. I can generally minimize the pain with aleve or ibuprofen or wrap up in a heated blanket. On days it is warm and sunny I have so much energy & hardly no pain.. I so wished we could move to Florida or Hawaii I think it would be so much better on me but that is not a thing we could do so Im looking forward to summer & all ready regretting next winter.

Good luck on figuring out how to relieve the pain and just stick with it. Sometimes it takes alot of trial & error.

I also can predict the weather about two days out...I live in Vegas so we haven't had any really big storms and that is a big plus ...but even when we get rain, I can hardly walk until it pours...and snow ...forget it...I have Raynaud's too. and I can't move I am so cold....
Since your new to Lupus I would read some back logs....great advice ...I know I have had Lupus for over 30 plus years and so has a lot of people....
Good luck to you my are in good company...

My body doesn't maintain a normal temperature. Have to layer clothing to maintain body temp .A sudden change in the atmospheric pressure or weather makes it shoot up or down. And, it usually predicts the weather, like knowing it's going to rain or snow. "The trials and tribulations . . . "
Your got to hold on.

I always have reacted to the pressure fronts, large temperature changes, altitude changes, etc… I always know when a storm is moving in because my brain becomes too big for my skull and a pounding migraine hits. Then I get hit with knee, hip, and hand pain and stiffness. I live in NoCA in the foothills and the pressure changes can be abrupt. I live just below snow line but above the pollution of the central valley. I was about 6 when I first noticed the achy head. A year later I got hit with what docs thought was recurrent mumps, turned out to be Sjogren’s. (I went on to collect more dx’s, lucky me…lol) My friends in high school used to make fun of me because I would tell them a storm is coming and the sky would be blue no clouds in sight. Sure enough within 48 hours one would move in…lol I’m sorry you have to be a part of our group but it’s been a lifesaver to me. Ann A. is amazingly knowledgeable. It’s rare for me to meet people who have had it longer than I have…lol Gentle hugs, Annemarie

Hmm, this is interesting. It seems two days is a pretty common timeframe for our bodies to react to incoming weather fronts. I wonder why that is, or how it comes to be? Last year we had a monsoon sweep through Vegas. It was fierce and snarly, and it had me in SUCH pain. That front proceeded to move on, trundle across the states, and wreak havoc to the mid-west. I almost felt GUILTY about it, because I could tell two days before it hit us just how bad it was going to be, and that I should have somehow found a way to warn those poor people who had suffered from it. Same thing happened in the winter... Vegas had a severe cold snap at the beginning of December (REALLY early for us), and I was in utter agony. It then swept across the states and pulled the "polar vortex" down into the east coast to cause all that issue. I'm starting to think I need to be the early-warning system for the other half of the states! ::grins::

Hello!, Welcome to the family Living with Lupus ! The weather does play a big part ! It is hard at times to plan anything -Lupus has a mind of it’s own. Find a pain management for yourself and make sure you rest through the day when possible-it will help you. Hope you enjoy us here , and remember , we are here at all times 24/7/365, just log in , my wishes and prayers are with you…Beverly L.

I cant be out in the sun very long, makes me sick to my stomach and gives me horrible headaches. Cant be out in the cold to makes my hands and feet feel numb. Storms make me restless, irratable and discontent

The weather changes make me hurt all over!! My joints feel like a bad tooth ache throbbing! I too was just diagnosed about a month ago, all though I’ve been having symptoms for over a year now. My job can be very stressful during the busy season,which is when my Lupus decided to make its BIG appearance. Took forever to see a rheumatologist but finally did. I really believe that stress and the weather changes had a big part in my lupus showing up! I’m so glad I found this group, so good to have people understand! God Bless you all!!

Thanks, everyone! It's nice to know that I'm not alone. I really appreciate all of you!

Hello llmom! Oh yes most definitely weather affects me too. I can tell when it’s going to rain. I get achey, stiff, my joints all hurt and the fatigue comes on bad. I also found out that sun isn’t my friend unfortunately either lol! I live in Cali so my family and friends want to hang out at the beach all the time and I just can’t do it often. If I go and cover up I will still feel exhausted as if I’d ran a marathon and it flares up my butterfly rash on my face. That will last for a few days, and it will also flare up my Sjögren’s syndrome it intensifies the dry eyes and mouth. Within time you will start to notice how your body responds to certain weather. Take care!