Rain and pain

Another rainy day here in Georgia. I'm in pain and feel drained! My Lupus diagnosis is new and I have fibromyalgia. Does anyone else suffer when it rains? I'm so tired today and achy, feel just plain drained! Is this normal?

I have to say yes that's true of me too. Actually when I told one of my friends about my diagnosis 4 years ago she sarcastically said, "Oh, now you're gonna be able to predict the weather!" She's right. Once the rain comes the pain is a little better.

I hope you feel better soon!

It's been rainy here and I feel like I have been run over by a truck. Rain seems to do it almost every time. Sorry.

Oh yes, you are very normal with those feelings.

I’m the same way. My joints seem to hurt a lot more when it is raining or colder outside. I live in Georgia also. The weather has been pretty warm lately so I’m thankful for that.

I'm glad it's not just me! I was fine when I got up and then WHAM, drained and in pain!
pfkpgh said:

It's been rainy here and I feel like I have been run over by a truck. Rain seems to do it almost every time. Sorry.

When we had that cold snap before Thanksgiving I felt horriblr, everything hurt!

Shannon said:

I'm the same way. My joints seem to hurt a lot more when it is raining or colder outside. I live in Georgia also. The weather has been pretty warm lately so I'm thankful for that.

I live in Oregon,it rains for 9 months here…I’m down for now,sore joints,sores in mouth and nose,just feeling crappy.it happens to me every year just before Christmas…I have had sle for yrs with some overlapping health problems…I hope you feel better soon!

Oh ABSOLUTELY I hurt when storms roll through! It seems like my sensitivity to it has been dulling with my added meds lately, so sometimes there are weather systems with rain that don't make me hurt, but the system that came through last week did a number on me.

The odd thing is that all the docs say it technically shouldn't matter, and that no study has EVER proven that joint pain is/can be affected by weather systems. Isn't that odd? Even though so many of us experience this! I can predict weather because of one particular joint that hurts in one particular way when rain is coming. Sudden cold snaps also make me hurt pretty bad. Personally, I don't think it's the joint pain that's making these studies fail... I think it's a lack of understanding of how the weather works!

(Also wanted to note, I do more than hurt too. I feel achey and run down and sluggish and stiff. Generally this leads to napping if I can.)

Talencia, that just about how I feel. I don't get much joint pain but I have fibro too and that makes my muscles ache. I feel like a new person today and the rain is gone! This happens every time it rains and my rheumatologist agreed with me. I just hate fealing like I've been hit by a truck, especially this time of year!

Yes, we now have a special talent and that is predicting the weather.

In Southern California we finely got some rain, all my joints were inflamed. I think it has a lot to do with the Baramtric pressure and change in humidity. I also get “weather Headaches” that start at the top of my head, and radiate down to my neck, they happen the same time every year, just as winter is ending.

I have Lupus and Fibro and live in PA. It rained yesterday and the day before and it definitely effects my pain and energy levels. I have found too that my body definitely does not like the cold. It makes the pain feel like it goes deep down into the bones and I can't seem to get warm. I agree that it has alot to do with the barometric pressure and change in humidity. I have the same effect and sometimes worse over the summer when it is extremely humid. Nice to know that we are all not alone in this. Next week, here in PA it is suppose to rain at least two days, ugh!! Hoping you all are doing the best you can and sunny days are ahead!!

Thanks for all the info!

I’m also in Pa and yes the weather greatly affects me . I get such pain and stiffness even in my jaw and my back is so bad . When it is going to rain , snow or drastic temperature changes … even a day or so before and keeps going until it’s stopped for the most part . I also get so drained feeling and terrible headaches especially in the summer with humidity . I have lupus and fibromyalgia as well . ((( hugs ))) to you all

My goodness. Yes. Suffering as I type due to the rain.

Yes very bad pain in the rain ugh

I live in sw florida, the weather here went from warm and humid to cold and damp overnight, the headache before the weather changes are the worst I've ever had, the headache started about 2 days before it got cold and damp, now everything aches, wish the weather would make up its mind already!

Hi!!!, sorry that you are haveing this terrible moment , BUT sad to say this is a MAJOR part of Lupus!! I also live n Georgia and since this weather has ht here my body has a Mind of it’s own . Either it’s the rain or the coldness . It’s really hard when the nite comes my finger’s an toes can be made for ice cubes -LOL… Again I think we all have this issue at times having Lupus is a crazy way of Life you just never know what to xpect !!hope that you feel better soon …Beverly L.

Thanks Beverly!! I'm really just learning about all this and you're right this weather we have had lately is crazy! My daughter says that Georgia is bi-polar!! I am NOT looking forward to our usual cold, rainy winter!

Beverly L. said:

Hi!!!, sorry that you are haveing this terrible moment , BUT sad to say this is a MAJOR part of Lupus!! I also live n Georgia and since this weather has ht here my body has a Mind of it's own . Either it's the rain or the coldness . It's really hard when the nite comes my finger's an toes can be made for ice cubes -LOL.. Again I think we all have this issue at times having Lupus is a crazy way of Life you just never know what to xpect !!hope that you feel better soon ....Beverly L.