“Vitamin D, a safe, inexpensive, and widely available agent, may be as effective as a disease-suppressing intervention for patients with SLE.”
OK back to studying for my exam
“Vitamin D, a safe, inexpensive, and widely available agent, may be as effective as a disease-suppressing intervention for patients with SLE.”
OK back to studying for my exam
how interesting. I was just diagnosed in July,and was prescribed Vit D,1500 iu per day(along with all the rest). I wonder if it's already becoming standardized...
she hasn't prescribed or advised anything about supplemental calcium. Although also been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis(cervical,thoractic,and lumber)I have normal density. I'm not on any steroids or anti-convulsants yet(o.m.g!yipes). Just started MTX two weeks ago,after blood tests,and getting anemia under control etc. Great info,and post.
You were the first to call it to my attention when I first joined LWL. My doctor put me on 2000 a day and then once a week, I take 50,000 IU once a week. I will have it checked next week to see if the numbers have gotten better. When tested, I was extremely low. I can definitely tell a difference in the pain level.. However, I have never been told to take calcium.
Thanks Ann for your helpful posts regrading our health. We look forward to having you back full time!
I didn't think you were obsessive,I thought you were very intelligent! But,okay-obsessive works. I really enjoy and appreciate folks who take the time to source their information,and ask questions of themselves to locate answers to questions that I might have. You are an awesome resource for me already,I really appreciate it. It is a rare quality. I don't care for milk either,never have. I do like cottage cheese a lot. Sometimes sour cream,rarely yogurt or ice cream. I have dairy goats,so our cloven hoof milk products are made from the mammary secretions of ruminant animals(oh you made me crack up with that one!). My boys like the milk. It is allegedly the closet in composition in the animal world to human milk(ewwww lol). I also have ducks(for eggs,not meat) and horses(for fun,not productivity.unless you count manure.)I also trim horse hooves for the Humane Society when they have rescues come in with bad feet(for free). So,with animal house cleaning daily,hay slinging daily,hoof trimming,animal feeding,brushing,milking etc I am keeping my density up with exercise. Even on bad days,I have to go out there and do my stuffs. The animals still have to eat,be milked,feces removed.I take breaks,and spread the work out. and it really forces me to work thru the lupus. I have a back brace for the spondylitis,and have exercises I do daily that help. I am so terrified of getting to a point that I can't do stuff. It's comforting to have some information about non pharmaceutical therapies,(Vit. D)and about anti-convuslants. It took the focus off of seizure(ulp) and onto maintaining activity. Puts control sorta back into my hands,you know? Thank you. You are appreciated!
Wow...just,wow. If I can be that physically accomplished when I'm 62 I will ecstatic and very very grateful! Sometimes I worry(ok,that right there,that's me-encapsulated.sometimes I worry,ha!)that I am grinding my body down with the physical stuff. And congratulations on your educational achievements! Those are truly impressive. I love that you are using your intelligence and education to turn your personal negative into a positive for others. Leaving a good mark on the world,you are. That gives me,like-pride in you! You are an interesting and kind of amazing lady. The best people I've met always turn out to be people who have been forced by nature or circumstances to overcome hardship in some way. Warriors who don't war,but use their insights into living to try to make their world better. It is awesome. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge. You are so right,and humorous. Nobody gets outta here alive,so damn it-live as much as ya can and don't worry about the rest of it. (I know,I added the dammit to put my own seasoning in your recipe. *wink*) Also,do you have a blog? I would be interested in reading it.