Up and down

After the day I experienced today, I had to ask the question: Do any of you with lupus or interstitial lung disease (I suffer from both) ever begin the day in horrible pain or discomfort, wondering if you will accomplish the simplest thing or even make it through the day without a trip to the ER, only to improve dramatically later in the day - say 2 or 3 p.m.?

It's seemingly like a manic/depressive condition only in a physical sense. I woke with a bad stomach ache after a night of little sleep, and was extremely dizzy and achy. My breathing was atrocious. I literally felt like I was dying,

But then suddenly I began to feel much better around early afternoon, with improved breathing, ample energy and no lightheadedness. It was a miracle-like transformation.

I wonder how this could happen and where it will go from here. Has anyone else experienced anything like this, and if so did it continue to occur?

Just curious to hear of others who might have experienced this.

Thomas Franklin

I do experience that. I have lupus. In the mornings, I always wake up very stiff and sore. A good night’s sleep are very few. Throughout the morning, lightheaded, dizzy, headaches, nausea, extreme fatigue, pain. Lately, I have been having problems with my asthma also. Some days, I have noticed that around early afternoon, I feel a little better. Nausea and neuro issues start to subside. Fatigue gets better. Don’t know why, maybe medicines kick in gear??? At any rate, for me it’s short lived, I regress. By late afternoon I start feeling bad again. I have often told my significant other that to feel “normal” again would be so wonderful.
I hope everyone is having a good pain free weekend.

hi Thomas, did you take any prednisone that morning, that can really help with breathing and feeling better, this has happened o me numerous times and after I take my prednisoone about a half an hour laater my breathing gets better.......purrs..catspaw1955

I feel like I’ve just been hit by a truck every morning. Thank God for Lupus and pain meds. I look “normal”, so people don’t understand when I tell them I’m exhausted and in pain most of the time. I often feel better in the late afternoon and evening, but would be stuck in my bed or chair all day if I wasn’t receiving good medical care.

When I was in a flare I would wake feeling horrible. Incredible pain dizzy no appetite . I take mythylprednisone and plaquinel it took 6 months to feel better . It is a year later and I have mornings now and again that are difficult . Water I think is so important I find it quit difficult to stay hydrated . This might be why in part we start to feel better in the afternoon.

I could not drink reg water, so I drink club soda, no calories, and it tastes really refreshing.......I an waiting to see a rheumy, my mom and I botth she has rhuemetoid arthritis and so that way we can both go together, since it is about 90 miles round trip;.......they we can both get some prednisone, cause my GP will not prescribe ti for me .....purrs..catspaw1955

Yes! Every morning and every night I feel like I’m on my deathbed. The majority of the day is great though! I’ve only had lupus for a little over a year but I’ve noticed these horrible morning and night episodes slowly getting better over time. Hope yours do too!!

thanks sarah, and god bless you dear. purrs..catspaw1955

Sarah said:

Yes! Every morning and every night I feel like I'm on my deathbed. The majority of the day is great though! I've only had lupus for a little over a year but I've noticed these horrible morning and night episodes slowly getting better over time. Hope yours do too!!