Toes and feet turn red and Swell with heat & humidity

Hello All,

Just wanted to ask if anyone else gets red, painful, swelling, of feet and toes (like little sausages, lol) when the heat and humidity are combined? It seems like we can't win....when it is cold, I turn purple on my hands from Raynauds that hurts so bad. When it is hot & humid, I now have this problem....So does anyone else have the same thing happen to them, probably being on my feet so long doing things around the house doesn't help. I guess I need to put them up during times throughout the day until I am finally treated after I go to clinic next Tuesday (yay, finally) get bloodwork to see what is going on in this body of mine....??? Hmmmm, can't wait! Want to go so bad, but scared little mouse on the other hand to see what happens :| ????

Thanks & Wishing you all well as always, Suzie :0)

Good luck at the clinic on Tue (same day as me.......)

I get similar problems with hands and sausage fingers too...hahaha.....The doc just says to keep taking anti inflammitories each day to keep the swelling down (and of course continue all other meds) but has never really explained why I get 'sausage feet and fingers'....I also have raynauds and have nerve damage in fingers so really just put it down to all of that.

I hope you are well and have a good day. Kaz x

Thanks so much Kaz!

I wish you lots of luck with your appt. but my appt. Wed the 1st, see I seem to forget the days, haha, I blame it on the inflammation :), either that or I am just plain old clueless, lol. Yea, it seems that we all have so many similar symptoms, do your fingers take on a shiny look when they swell too, and feel tight when bending them? Mine do. I assume it is all due to the inflammation. I wonder if I have rheumatoid too, because I get white bumps like nodules on my finger joints, I think Rheumatoid causes that or it could be calcifications too? I will soon find out, I guess. See with me, taking anti-inflammatories cause bleeding issues esp. when it is my time of the mont, I almost hemmorage it gets so bad and the aspirin affect worsens it, and that would not be good, believe me. It is so annoying! I cannot wait to see what my bloodwork shows, since it has been so long since they were checked. I am sure good ol' Pred. is in my future, I HATE that drug! Too any bad side efffects & when you come off it, I feel worse than before! It is a miracle drug for the inital inflammation but we all know it can't be taken long term at high doses that help. This should be very interesting! I hope you make out well and get answers & relief, it would be nice to not have our fingers & toes resemble sausage, lol. Wouldn't you agree? BUT unfortunatley I don't think anything will ever take that all away. I guess we have to look at the bright side of it, it is making us stronger, we deal with it, and we learn to adapt. But we must always remember to look at the bright side regardless of how bad it gets, we have to keep smiling & laugh, to me it is the best medicine through all of life's storms we endure....Be Well & I hope your weekend is great so far! TTYS, Keep me posted on how you do at the doc. and i will do the same. Suzie :0)

KazP said:

Good luck at the clinic on Tue (same day as me.......)

I get similar problems with hands and sausage fingers too...hahaha.....The doc just says to keep taking anti inflammitories each day to keep the swelling down (and of course continue all other meds) but has never really explained why I get 'sausage feet and fingers'....I also have raynauds and have nerve damage in fingers so really just put it down to all of that.

I hope you are well and have a good day. Kaz x

Hi Suzie,

yes, my fingers tend to look shiney and sausages....when swollen and they are difficult to bend when inflammed. I also have bumps on my fingers.

Well, it's tomorrow for my appointment and hopefully a step further forward in 'managing' all the different parts of this illness. I do my best to keep positive and am an absolute believer in laughter as one of the best medicines. I try to do as much as possible to keep motivated and positive, although one of my main complaints and questions for tomorrow will relate specifically to the extreme PMS....which seems to last for two weeks out of every month and has become completely intollerable soon as my period begins I feel mentally relieved, but prior to it beginning I can't even explain how black and frightening it becomes now (been progressively worse over the past 6 months).

Good luck with Wednesdays appointment Suzie and keep me posted.

Kaz x

Hi Kaz,

Thanks for the nice support on the thought of my lil' book I would love to write re: My Lil' Lupus family, that I have found here...It does sound like it can turn into an amazing story of our journey here, and all that we have learned from each other & have gone through with this miserable disease! It really is great to have met and become friends with so many wonderful people. I would assume you feel the same as we both know how alone we feel and how much we need support from those who understand at a personal level.

Anyway, I go on Wed. (fingers,toes,eyes & legs crossed) that both you & I receive help but most of all answers regarding the issues we are having. Ya know what, I also have massive PMS symptoms, it is ridiculous, but I about 8 weeks ago was diagnosed from an ultrasound that I have a cystic mass on my left ovary, which is probably why it is so much worse with having my period. It plain old sucks, if ya ask me!, LOL.

Hey like you said laughter & positivity but also straight old truthfulness is def. the ways to live our lives, right?! I need to have that all taken care of , but the gyno said I need to go to the clinic and get the Lupus part taken care of & looked into, before a decison is made on how to handle the mass. BUT what I do know is it is very painful & makes that dreadful time of the month even worse, UGH!

Oh well, it isn't easy being the strong women we are, we have to say that is the truth, lol! :) I hope u do well with your appt. tommorow please let me know asap when you get back, let me know what they decided to do bloodwork wise, so I have an idea of what to also expect. I am thinking I need the "soup to nuts" on the antibody bloodwork, it has been 3 -4 years since done, so God only knows what is happening now within this miserabley old feeling body of mine, I am 34 and feel 80, no joking, I am sick & tired, of being sick & tired, I am sure you understand. I want some of the "old me" back, I am not greedy, so just "some" of what I used to be, and also be "able to do" without suffering for days would be sufficient :).

How old are you, if u don't mind me asking? Sounds as if we are close in age...OK, well time to go get dinner ready for my gang, lol, Between my hubby & 3 big boys, they get very very hungry very very fast! TTYL, my friend! Have a Great Night! Oh and Happy Memorial Day! :) Suzie xoxoxo

Oh Kaz, I forgot to mention, it seems like we may have a form of nodules on our fingers & the shininess also makes me wonder if some Rheumatoid is playing into this. We could have MCTD, a mixture of all these lovely diseases rolled into one, yay, :(, Anyway, it does seem we are very similar with the fingers & hands, so let me know what they say about those symptoms, OK. Thanks! & GOOD LUCK!!! You are in my thoughts & prayers! Suzie :0)

Suzie D. said:

Hi Kaz,

Thanks for the nice support on the thought of my lil' book I would love to write re: My Lil' Lupus family, that I have found here...It does sound like it can turn into an amazing story of our journey here, and all that we have learned from each other & have gone through with this miserable disease! It really is great to have met and become friends with so many wonderful people. I would assume you feel the same as we both know how alone we feel and how much we need support from those who understand at a personal level.

Anyway, I go on Wed. (fingers,toes,eyes & legs crossed) that both you & I receive help but most of all answers regarding the issues we are having. Ya know what, I also have massive PMS symptoms, it is ridiculous, but I about 8 weeks ago was diagnosed from an ultrasound that I have a cystic mass on my left ovary, which is probably why it is so much worse with having my period. It plain old sucks, if ya ask me!, LOL.

Hey like you said laughter & positivity but also straight old truthfulness is def. the ways to live our lives, right?! I need to have that all taken care of , but the gyno said I need to go to the clinic and get the Lupus part taken care of & looked into, before a decison is made on how to handle the mass. BUT what I do know is it is very painful & makes that dreadful time of the month even worse, UGH!

Oh well, it isn't easy being the strong women we are, we have to say that is the truth, lol! :) I hope u do well with your appt. tommorow please let me know asap when you get back, let me know what they decided to do bloodwork wise, so I have an idea of what to also expect. I am thinking I need the "soup to nuts" on the antibody bloodwork, it has been 3 -4 years since done, so God only knows what is happening now within this miserabley old feeling body of mine, I am 34 and feel 80, no joking, I am sick & tired, of being sick & tired, I am sure you understand. I want some of the "old me" back, I am not greedy, so just "some" of what I used to be, and also be "able to do" without suffering for days would be sufficient :).

How old are you, if u don't mind me asking? Sounds as if we are close in age...OK, well time to go get dinner ready for my gang, lol, Between my hubby & 3 big boys, they get very very hungry very very fast! TTYL, my friend! Have a Great Night! Oh and Happy Memorial Day! :) Suzie xoxoxo

I'm 39 Suzie and no I don't mind you asking. It's so nice to meet someone I can actually speak to about the health issues and feel I am actually understood.

I hope they get things sorted out for you soon Suzie. I think that the 'time' it all takes to get answers and get the right treatment is frustrating at times.

Enjoy dinner!!!! Have a good night. Kaz x

Thanks Kaz, See we are close in age, seems we all are here, Hmmm, doesn’t that say something, “childbearing years”, also menopause can make it appear as in my mother-in-laws case, at 40 is when it struck her, she has RA and they think Lupus too, but primarily RA, she has great med. treatment, which is awesome!!! I hope you also find relief, then we can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy these beautiful lives we are blessed with. I also agree on the being able to talk to someone who “gets you” and isn’t like “what??? is that”, I am not making fun, but it is just soooo hard to explain, that we have all figured out! TTYL, Xoxoxo Suzie :0)

KazP said:

I'm 39 Suzie and no I don't mind you asking. It's so nice to meet someone I can actually speak to about the health issues and feel I am actually understood.

I hope they get things sorted out for you soon Suzie. I think that the 'time' it all takes to get answers and get the right treatment is frustrating at times.

Enjoy dinner!!!! Have a good night. Kaz x