Hey guys. First off, I have never had the butterfly rash and I didn't think I was sun sensitive.
I finally! got to spend the day with hubby fishing. Yes, I slathered sunscreen and tried to wear my floppy hat, but I was a little lax on that. And, yesterday we went to the new Bass Pro at the Pyramid. You can ride an elevator all the way up to the top and and step outside. Well, I didn't have my sunscreen on. This morning I woke up with two huge bumps on my face. They aren't particularly sore. I didn't even know they were there until I looked in the mirror. But they are quite noticeable. :(
Does anyone do this? Is it possible sun intolerance?
I notice my cheeks get more red and I tend to burn more than I would before lupus in a short time. Even have gotten a slight sunburn on my arm they tinted windows…
The sun really makes me sick. My skin gets red and I get overheated, weak and feel like passing out. I'm not sure why but the sun can be very dangerous for us and even trigger a flare. Even with sunscreen and a hat I can feel my skin stinging.
My skin was stinging! My chest and neck get real blotchy. The sides of my neck and my chest are covered in light brown spots. I resemble a leopard. :)
geneva21 said:
The sun really makes me sick. My skin gets red and I get overheated, weak and feel like passing out. I'm not sure why but the sun can be very dangerous for us and even trigger a flare. Even with sunscreen and a hat I can feel my skin stinging.
Yes, I resemble a leopard too on my chest! Also my face without makeup. I forgot about my arms and legs...where ever the sun used to be on my skin I have many spots!