
My prayer’s go out 2 n get some Rest .Take care …Beverly L.

You really touched me this morning. I woke up with a great dark hole looming in my head of depression and desperation. I read your simple and profound post. Thank you for your courage to be grateful in light of so much tragedy that you have faced.

You have helped me change my perspective just enough to see the light in the hole and be grateful for the things that I do have. I believe that the bitter must be taken with the sweet and that we wouldn't be able to appreciate the sweetness of life without having experienced the bitter, tragic, just basically hard parts of life.

Once again, I am thankful for people like you. God Bless.

Oh my goodness, thank you so very much for all that info. I shall look into in.

Hui-Lim Ang said:

Grace, if you want to learn more abt how manage your condition to prevent another stroke, do contact our Director of Patient Services , Julie Gibbs. She is a phenomenal lupus survivor…having survived 5 consecutive strokes , 3 of which she flst-lined. COLN was there to support her husband who was by himself here in Las Vegas…and she is very grateful for that support so she is now giving back to other lupies. You can join us on Facebook - our group page ( Colors of Lupus-NV) which is for Q&A, sharing and support AND our page ( colors of lupus nevada) which is strictly for medical, and management skills information for lupus and other Chronic illness.
In Message Julie Gibbs with ur questions if u wish.

Good luck!

Thank you Beverly.

Beverly L. said:

My prayer’s go out 2 n get some Rest .Take care …Beverly L.

Dear Mimi
I am so glad I touched you. I was telling friend Kim that I was so grateful . She suggested that I share it on the lupus board to cheer everyone up and so to spread the good news.
I had several months of improving . But about three months I plateaued . That’s when the real work began . It was then that reality sunk in . It was fun progressing ever so slow . But when I plateaued and was not getting better , it was like you said , A dark hole, and I felt the depression setting in . I called my one friend Carolyn and told her please to pray for me . I was so desperate . Being that I have aphasia , my Commutation is very poor . I was pulling away from everyone and really didn’t want to even talk. It was and is a lot of work. The thought came to me , I will change what I can and I need to work hard . But for the things that I have lost and I cannot do, I will not fret on those things. I will be thankful in the things I can do.
It is a Constant struggle to remind myself on those things that are positive to think about. If you know what I mean. Grace

mimi the bag lady said:

You really touched me this morning. I woke up with a great dark hole looming in my head of depression and desperation. I read your simple and profound post. Thank you for your courage to be grateful in light of so much tragedy that you have faced.

You have helped me change my perspective just enough to see the light in the hole and be grateful for the things that I do have. I believe that the bitter must be taken with the sweet and that we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the sweetness of life without having experienced the bitter, tragic, just basically hard parts of life.

Once again, I am thankful for people like you. God Bless.

It is such a good reminder that we each have things we should be (and need to be) grateful for. No matter our situation, whether mild or extreme, everyone has something to celebrate, a positive thing to focus on. Blessings come in big and small, and I am ever so glad to hear about these big blessings you are sharing with us. Keep it up, and I will endeavor to keep up the same sort of attitude as well!

Talencia, very good advice.

Talencia said:

It is such a good reminder that we each have things we should be (and need to be) grateful for. No matter our situation, whether mild or extreme, everyone has something to celebrate, a positive thing to focus on. Blessings come in big and small, and I am ever so glad to hear about these big blessings you are sharing with us. Keep it up, and I will endeavor to keep up the same sort of attitude as well!