Speech and Memory

Thanks shelia for the website on hypothroidism, and the pictures of how the brain is affected. I wanted to share this wonderful slide show that was sent to me, you will love it.

Sat, March 10, 2012 6:28:58 AMHave you Ever???? From: Patty Roberson <parbaby1@yahoo.com> View Contact To: HaveYouEver.pps (1404KB)


Have a lovely day,


Have you Ever????

Sheila W. said:

I also have thyroid disease, and I learned that often the prescriptions change the blood tests but don't take care of the symptoms, so I found a website called www.StopTheThyroidMadness.com and a book of the same name that tells you step by step how to recover from hypothyroid.

Patty do you have a cell phone? I have to schedule in my med times or I forget them. It's a great helper. There is also a gadget that organizes your meds and has a timer on when each dose should be taken, with an alarm. If interested I could give you that link. The slide show you tried to send didn't work. I will try to search for it online.

There is such a thing as cognitive dysfunction with Lupus flares. I have trouble sometimes with finding the right word or remembering things. Lupus can affect the nervous system so if it continues you may want to speak to your Rheumatologist for further testing

Hi Ann A. , i bet that was funny when the doctor told you !!! I probably would have bust out laughing very hard at myself !! But at least you went to the doctor before it got bad and you couldn't see at all ... Thank GOD , well hope everything turn out well for you , talk with you later .... Beverly L.

Ann A. said:

Dear Fighter,

I told you guys somewhere on here that for months I have been trying to clean my eyeglasses. I was positive that I had someone damaged the lens because no matter how hard I tried I could not get them clean. Then I went to the opthalmologist for my standard Plaquenil check up and he told me that I had cataracts. In other words the dirty lens are in my eyes. So here I am trying to finish graduate courses with brain fog and really poor eyesight. I have to keep laughing. And if I make you laugh - well you should meet me in person - I am definitely funny to people who have great senses of humor.
fighter said:

Ann A. you are too funny!!

I have the same problem from taking high dose steroids. I can't drive @ nite & see flashing lights scary. My eye Dr told me to tell the Rheumatologist to d/c Plaquenil that I've been on for yrs

Ann A. said:

Dear Fighter,

I told you guys somewhere on here that for months I have been trying to clean my eyeglasses. I was positive that I had someone damaged the lens because no matter how hard I tried I could not get them clean. Then I went to the opthalmologist for my standard Plaquenil check up and he told me that I had cataracts. In other words the dirty lens are in my eyes. So here I am trying to finish graduate courses with brain fog and really poor eyesight. I have to keep laughing. And if I make you laugh - well you should meet me in person - I am definitely funny to people who have great senses of humor.
fighter said:

Ann A. you are too funny!!

Unfortunately, short term memory is destroyed by Lupus, according to one of my Drs. I just try to cope with it, make lists of things that need doing, put things on the calendar, etc-when I remember to look at those places.....

I used to have just awful brain fog. I got on a diet devoid of the Nightshades, as per a blood test I had run, by a lab that specializes in AI disease. The brain fog is gone, except when I can't get enough sleep, then sometimes it comes back. Try eliminating the Nightshades, limit red meat, no sugar, or alcohol. I know this is punishment for a lot of people, but maybe better than Brain fog.

Ann A. said:

Dear Fighter,

I told you guys somewhere on here that for months I have been trying to clean my eyeglasses. I was positive that I had someone damaged the lens because no matter how hard I tried I could not get them clean. Then I went to the opthalmologist for my standard Plaquenil check up and he told me that I had cataracts. In other words the dirty lens are in my eyes. So here I am trying to finish graduate courses with brain fog and really poor eyesight. I have to keep laughing. And if I make you laugh - well you should meet me in person - I am definitely funny to people who have great senses of humor.
fighter said:

Ann A. you are too funny!!

Really!!!! Iknow exactly what you mean. my doctor siad I have cataracts also, and he doesn't think any surgery is required, but we know better than the doctors in most cases. It would be awsome if we could all could meet together one day, OH WHAT A DAY THAT WOULD BE. I could happen... Many blessings and hugsxoxox

I have had the same problem for the past two years and it's been driving me mad. When I mentioned it to my brother-in-law, who's a psychiatrist, he said that his best friend, a neurologist, wrote a paper on inflammatory peripheral neuropathy (the kind lupus sufferers get) that can cause nerve damage in areas of the brain that affect both memory and speech. I asked him to try a send me a copy of it, but I haven't heard from him in a while. I also found some info about it on the internet. Unfortunately, I got side-tracked by another health crisis before I had a chance to digest the info. As I recall (no pun intended here) there were some nutritional-based and word-game remedies that were shown to provide modest improvements for patients suffering from this. I will forward the links to you once I find them on my computer. In the meantime, hang in there, JZ, you're not alone in this. pax, pj

I think the worse part of having the Lupus Fog is the inability to finish sentences or to as everyone has expressed know what it is you want to say but not be able to get the words out. My daughter jokes with me and tells me its my "old age" but reality is I used to be able to remember all phone numbers, birthdays, my kids ages and all pertinent family information. Now I do well if I get up and remember what I am doing from one moment to the next. It is not all the time but just enough times to be annoying. It really feels good to know that there are others who understands what it is I am going through....although I wish that we didn't have to go throught this at all. It saddens me that when I go to the doctor and explain what is going on they give you those simple three words to remember and with coaxing I remember them but a fifteen minute visit that ask you remember something they told you instead of you trying to recall something from your memory bank that you really need at the time you need it is totally different. So of course they say there is nothing wrong because I remembered those three stupid words.

Yes!!!! that's my problem also . It use to bother me and made me feel really crazie but now i laughat myself when it happens !!!! My family look at me and start laughing with me ....Beverly L.

P.S. you are not alone ... stay strong we are here Living with LUPUS together ....

Hey JZhou its call "Brain Fog" and it comes with the Lupus, trust all of us experience, so don't feel alone. It is fustrating for me when I know what I want to say, but my brain just wont work with me, especially if I get upset. I don't know of anything that we can do to fix it, so I just pray and ask for help to deal with it. Many blessings and hugs

Yes, I have learned to just laugh it off when Im with friends. When Im at work or a Dr's appointment, and I cant find the words I want to cry. It is so frustrating. I cant even post to this site without reading what Ive typed over and over. I still look back and find mistakes in spelling and use of words. It has gotten worse here lately. Im not sure if any of the medicines will help with this.

Hay Rae, you are exprienceing Brain Fog - smile!!! I also have Brain Fog , exspecially when am on the site , always have to go back and check my spelling , and not to mention what am saying . Its funny i also forget sometimes what am saying when i talk with my kid or family , but i laugh it off !!!! And we all just keep on talking - it only last for a couple of days or just for that moment. But keep on laughing !!!!! Hope that you feel better , talk with you later ....Beverly L.

Guess what? Not long ago I learned that much of my fibrofog was due to hypothyroid and hormone imbalance. Getting treatment now, and the thyroid meds do help!

That article was awesome! I sent it to my husband who like to make fun of me for being so forgetful. He makes me feel like I'm an idiot and when I say I am trying to remember- I used to be smart- he just rolls his eyes and says I'm getting old. Thank you. This made my day.


Cassie, what article are you referring to?

I KNOW!!!!! Its so embarrassing. I do that too. I talk to someone and all of a sudden its like my brain went on vacation! They look at you funny and think u are nuts or on drugs... I have no idea on how to deal with this at all

I still say Ginseng and/or Gingko Biloba has helped me more than anything else.

Hi JZhou , I know what you mean !!!!! My problem is the same way, i know what am going to say and it comes out totally different than what i thinking about . Funny how our brain forget just that fast!!!!! But i keep talking and then go back to explain what am saying . My family and friends now just look at me like (okay she's having one of her moments and wait on me to explain ) , the good thing about it is , "it don't last for days anymore ". But hang in there - don't worry about it !!!! Just keep on talking , take care and wish you well.....Beverly L.