School starts in 5 days

School starts on Tuesday and I think I'm entering a flare-up. Perfect timing... not! I'm on day two of getting my usual afternoon low-grade fever and chills and my elbows and fingers seem to need some WD-40 to loosen up. I have the house to myself tonight so I think I'm going to take a nice hot soak in the tub with some epsom salts and a book and then bundle up in my flannel PJs. :)

On a good note, I went to school today to get my textbooks and meet with an advisor to double check that I'm eligible for graduation. They didn't have one of the textbooks I needed so I'm just going to get it from The advisor told me that I have all my credits and as long as I pass these last two classes, I'll graduate in May with my RN! I'm excited but nervous at the same time!

Hope everyone is doing well. Hugs.

You WILL do it Ballerina! Rest now and you can get going on Tuesday! I am thinking positive for you. lol

Congrats on your RN. I’ve been one for ten yrs and it is a very rewarding career!!

I love nursing. I expect to see plenty of pics of your pinning ceremony and graduation.

Good for you. Graduating as a R.N. is no easy feat; combine it with Lupus & I just cant believe how much you have achieved. Congratulations. Kaz xo

Congratulations!! RN are in great shortage now so you can work about anywhere you choose. My sister and her husband are both RN's and the did the traveling nurse for few years out of their motorhome. Was a great way to really visit places around this country that they always wanted to visit for more than few days.

Plus, my sister and brother in laws have used the RN degrees to many other jobs not just hospital work. My sister has worked for head start, hospice and brother in law was midwife for about 14 works in derm dept of hospital seeing patients.

So you can do so much with it, not just work the 3 days on, 4 off but part time hours as you can handle. I say this, my sister is the person i want when ever in the hospital..she makes sure your room is spotless( clean few times daily) anyone that walks in and tries to touch me, has to put their gloves on in front of her. Just having her insist on those 2 things has helped both myself and my mother to not get infections when other patients around us were getting them!!

So congrats....and for anyone going in hospital, try, not try but insist on those two things and help you greatly!! She has others but not what here for...congrats...our country really needs more RNs!!

This is exciting, and I'm very happy for you! You're going to do great, and glad to see you taking care of yourself when you need it.