Hi everyone,
Tomorrow I get results back from bloodtests and US images of hands and SI joints. My doctor is thinking either Psoriatic Arthritis, or Ankylosing Spondylitis. I guess I could have both? She is also trying to walk back the SLE Lupus diagnosis, subsituting it for PsA or AS, I would rather not have any thank you…
This started when I noticed erosion with the SI joints on my last MRI, my doctors decided that I should get checked out for the gene found in AS, the PsA is a little harder to nail down. My Rheumy said at the last visit, " well I guess you just have Rosasia, I thought for sure with your ANA blood test…" My GP said “what does it matter?” Well it matters to me!
I have pain from several thing, it would give me peace of mind to know what is causing it, and possible give me something to stop it’s progress or at least slow it down…
If you do get a PsA diagnosis, Jon, we have a terrific PsA community. And, you are welcome to remain here, too -- the two diagnoses often coincide. Keep us posted.
Yes I am Dx’ed with PsA, I still think I have SLE Lupus, the latest ANA test was positive. I was also Dx’ed with Raynaud’s Phenomenon, which kind of ties in with Lupus too. I am continuing with the hydroxyclorequine, and adding Methotrexate for the PsA.
My Rheumy is more concerned with possible Bone Cancer at the moment, so I need to get that checked out too.
That's a lot Jon to digest for you. Sounds a little like the doctor is a little frustrated. Check out the bone cancer for sure and go from there. So sorry all of this is going on. Keep us informed on everything.
Hello Jon
Keep us posted as you find out more. It will be a lot to a just to right now. Remember we are here for you.
Still tring to get my Rx filled, since Friday. There is a war being waged between my Doctors office and Costco Pharmacy, Costco says they never got the Rx, and Docotr’s office is saying they have sent it twice. I really don’t need this incompance right now, it would be amusing in another circumstance…
My appointment with Oncology isn’t until next month, it is a long wait…
Thanks for the kind thoughts.