For as long as I can remember I've had clammy,sweaty hands & feet. I've recently seen my doctor due to my feet turning blue & lots of pain in fingers. I sometimes feel like I'm walking on ice breaks. I consistently have cold feet that can go tingling & numb. I also have odd shooting pains in both legs & my right bicep. My hands, fingers get arches. My fingers kinda lock up & hurt every now & again. I was diagnosed with Raynauds Phenomenon Feb. 2014. My mother has lupus, r.a, fibromyalgia,Chiari & sjogrenes syndrome.
... My mom & I have been noticing I have a couple symptoms like her. My doctor believes I may have lupus due pass health issues. I will soon be seeing My mother's Rheumatologist for my raynauds phenomenon & further testing.
I wear hiking socks to try to stay warm but they get sweaty? Any ideas on keeping my feet warm & dry. What shall I do with sweaty cold feet.?
Hi rellieb! I too suffer from raynauds in my feet and hands. The best advice I can give is not to let the get cold in the first place (easy to say, hard to do!) As for the sweating, I would try cotton socks and make sure your shoes fit well. Many times my raynauds is triggered by a shoe that doesn’t fit right and cuts off my circulation. If it were up to me, I would wear my slippers everywhere! Good luck with your upcoming appointment. I hope you get some answers.
Try athletic socks that are moisture wicking. I tend to wear thick athletic socks to buffer my feet from shoes. I have Raynaud’s as well. You might try anti-persperant (sp?) On your feet or some of the powders that help keep feet dry. I have Raynaud’s in my lungs and have to be very careful about rapid temperature changes. Going from a warm house out into the snow is particularly bad. Good luck.
Mine got pretty bad this year too–especially when it was really cold. My skin was blistering and cracking and bleeding–my boss actually thought I had frostbite but it was just a bad Raynaud’s Phenomenon episode. He told me that you can take medication for it–it’s a blood pressure medication though too so I couldn’t have it because my blood pressure is already really low. You might be able to try it though. For me, he said to wear mittens everywhere all the time–even to bed. For socks, he has me wearing two pairs of thin, moisture-wicking cotton socks during the day while I’m up. At night, I’ve been wearing either those thick fuzzy socks or cotton socks with my slippers. I’ve also been rucking my feet under my dog’s stomach at night and that seems to help too.
Annemarie, how did you learn the raynauds was affecting your lungs? I believe mine is as well, but when I mentioned it to my doctor, he said that was not possible. I have coughing spells when I breath in cold air and have even had back freezes (just like a brain freeze, but in my back) when drinking a frozen drink. In general my breathing has taken a hit from this disease, but I wonder if the raynauds is more to blame then the Lupus/CTD.
It was a researcher at UCSF who was the one who suggested it was the Raynaud’s affecting my lungs. I told him the pain in my lungs was identical to the pain in my hands and feet. They ran tests to make sure it wasn’t asthma or any other more common breathing issue. Everything came back negative and the only time I would have problems breathing (primarily coughing uncontrollably until my eyes and nose were running or I was in the car or other warm place and that brain freeze type pain in my chest) was going from a warm place to a very cold place. If I kept a thick scarf over my face it helped. It was more a diagnosis of elimination and it’s pretty rare. It’s been about 20 years since he told me… I was recently dx’d with asthma but the chest sensations are completely different. Lupus can cause lung issues as well so I had to go through a bunch of tests last fall to rule out lupus related lung issues. I had to sit in a sealed glass box, really freaky. I don’t enjoy small spaces and I kept hitting my head on the top of the box. I’m not surprised your doc didn’t know about it. I was participating in a bunch of studies for researchers or I doubt I would have figured it out. I hope this helps, Annemarie
Hi Anne Marie and TJ, I find this really interesting as I have Dermatomyositis with Pulmonary Lung Disease. Muscles are doing ok, lungs are holding (I think) but my hands cause me endless grief. In Australia my DM is very rare and the doctors have mentioned a possible connection between the state of my hands and lungs but no one will commit. My Rhemi and Lung Specialist seem at odds with this idea.
Anyway, I will follow this with interest, this cross over of symptoms/conditions is always enlightening and gives me hope that someone will come up with a solution.
In the meanwhile, I find that if I concentrate on keeping my core body temperature really warm my hands settle alittle. I also wear gloves most of the time at home summer and winter to avoid knocking my fingers.
If anyone has any links to research re this lung/Raynauds connection would love to hear about it.
Thank you everyone for some of your experiences. I'm on the hunt for great socks for my feet.
I oddly took my little sister to a casino for her first time and man didn't I think my chest & lungs would feel itchy from all the wild smoking going on. Check to myself not go into casinos. I've never really had chest problems but today my breathing is odd & chest feels congested.