Hand and foot pain

Does any one have issues with there hands and feet being so cold that they burn? When I wake in the morning and I first bare weight on them, it is so painful, it feels like my bones are breaking. I have Lupus, peripherial autonomic neuropathy, raynouds, tachycardia, possible POTS. I hate to keep calling my dr, but it seems like its always something goimg on.

Hi Leighann - I have raynauds and SLE. I also have hand and foot pain that is terrible in the morning. I describe it as my feet feel like they are going to shatter when I stand up in the morning. I use a hot water bottle. Old school I know, but it does help. I pour boiling water in it right before going to bed. I know, I know, you are not supposed to use boiling water in hot water bottles. I do it anyway and the bottle is still a bit warm in the morning. Of course I don't sleep for very long, lol. Anyway, it does help. The colder my hands and feet get, the more they hurt. If you use a hot water bottle be sure to wrap it in a pillowcase or some other covering. You don't want to burn yourself. i hope you find some relief soon.

If you have RA as well...you literally can be breaking your bones. Since your joints can grow together so when they freeze up and you get them moving you might be breaking small bones. Or even larger ones if you hit your feet hard enough. This has happen to me.

But i would say that odds are it is raynauds like others mentioned. I have that too and sure sounds like it possibly.

Thank you for the advice. Seems like my hands and feet are always cold. I try to explain this to my husband but he does not get it.

I have to same problem. I heard it’s Raynuad , my rheumy hasn’t diagnosed it yet. It’s due pour blood circulation and inflammation.

Yes, mine get so cold they burn. Sometimes it takes so long for circulation to return it scares me. They stay numb a long time.

It sounds like raynaud’s which I also have, I get thst burning in my lungs as well when I go out into the cold. It can also be a sign of thyroid issues. So check with your doc just in case. Annemarie


My hands are cold all the time but they do not turn blue and if for some reason they are warn they feel like they throb. I don't have any poblem with my feet, just my knees It's hard to walk down the stairs in the AM but they get a little better after that. I have no problem calling my pcp about anything. I'm not real sick, not yet ayway. My biggest problem is the fatigue I hate it.

Stay positive.


Make sure you make your dr aware of it.

I went and bought some wool socks today. It also seems when I gets a bath the warm water makes my feet feel like they

Are on fire. I also have alot of mobility issues due to the pain and weakness in my legs and arms. I hear ya on the fatigue. It seems to never go away.
freightliner said:


My hands are cold all the time but they do not turn blue and if for some reason they are warn they feel like they throb. I don't have any poblem with my feet, just my knees It's hard to walk down the stairs in the AM but they get a little better after that. I have no problem calling my pcp about anything. I'm not real sick, not yet ayway. My biggest problem is the fatigue I hate it.

Stay positive.


The cold weather is unbearable. I think your right its probably the raynouds

Annemarie said:

It sounds like raynaud's which I also have, I get thst burning in my lungs as well when I go out into the cold. It can also be a sign of thyroid issues. So check with your doc just in case. Annemarie

I have trouble getting warm myself…my hands and feet are usually freezing and even with wool socks and gloves on they feel chilled to the bones. My husband recently bought me an electric blanket…I’ve used it for a few nights now and have stopped waking up with frozen feet and hands…I tend to wrap myself up in it anytime I start feeling chilled…it’s really helped me a lot when nothing else had.

I recently ordered a large heating pad from qvc to start taking to bed. It seems also in the AM and PM my hands swell and turn shiney red. Is that Raynouds? Sorry for so many questions. Ive been so sick for so many years, and I finally got answers in November. Just seems like everyday its something else. Whats meds are you on
thinblue88 said:

I have trouble getting warm myself...my hands and feet are usually freezing and even with wool socks and gloves on they feel chilled to the bones. My husband recently bought me an electric blanket...I've used it for a few nights now and have stopped waking up with frozen feet and hands...I tend to wrap myself up in it anytime I start feeling chilled...it's really helped me a lot when nothing else had.

I have hand and foot problems. I have Raynaulds as well, and grabbing frozen things out of the freezer cause pain if I hold it too long. My feet hurt first thing in the morning, before I even get out of bed. I put my feet down gingerly when I first get out of bed. I wear slipper socks to bed, and slippers during the day.

I get a reprieve from being so cold right now, I'm starting to have hot flashes, and I can anticipate them now, I will get freezing cold, then get real hot right afterwards. Its the first time my hands and feet have been warm in years, but only for a moment.

Ive noticed I half to always have something on my feet. I have alot of neurological issues from the lupus. I wonder if thats cpuld be making things worse?
Trisha said:

I have hand and foot problems. I have Raynaulds as well, and grabbing frozen things out of the freezer cause pain if I hold it too long. My feet hurt first thing in the morning, before I even get out of bed. I put my feet down gingerly when I first get out of bed. I wear slipper socks to bed, and slippers during the day.

I get a reprieve from being so cold right now, I'm starting to have hot flashes, and I can anticipate them now, I will get freezing cold, then get real hot right afterwards. Its the first time my hands and feet have been warm in years, but only for a moment.

I sleep with a heating pad on my feet ! try that , hope that it works for you...Beverly L.

I love sleeping with my warming blanket in low , I feel a little better and not so beat up in the morning :slight_smile:

I have peripherial neuropathy and have experienced the extreme coldness and burning sensation but its pretty much controlled with the Neurontin that I take

Is that the same as autonomic peripheral neuropathy. Sorry this is all new to me. Meds I am on are, methotexate injections, cellcept, prednisone, plaquinel, vicodin, elmiron, midodrine, imitrex, topamax, and synthroud.
mlisa said:

I have peripherial neuropathy and have experienced the extreme coldness and burning sensation but its pretty much controlled with the Neurontin that I take

Beverly L. said:thank you , I will try that

I sleep with a heating pad on my feet ! try that , hope that it works for you...Beverly L.