Hello to all,
I have an upcoming appointment and I am planning to confront my doctor who has been very unwilling to give me any information or understanding of my diagnosis. I am planning on finding a new rheumy but in the meantime, I do want to understand a few things.
She simple stated that I had Connective Tissue Disease that was "Lupus Like", that was it! She did state that I had tested positive for Lupus and RA but that I didn't have all of the proteins for either. She didn't explain what that meant though.
My condition had been worsening over the past few years, especially the last 6-8 months or so and she will not listen. Increased pain in my joints, fatigue, memory problems, etc,
Anyway, my question is simple: Is there is difference between Connective Tissue Disease and Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease? I feel so ignorant to the subject and I apologize for that but I just don't understand all of this. A post by another member really brought this to my attention and now I am really curious. I tried to research it online but could not really find anything for Connective Tissue Disease by itself. I can only find Mixed and Undifferentiated. I incorrectly put Mixed in my profile, which I have now corrected.
I am amazed at how much the members of this site know and understand. If anyone can help me understand this, I would appreciate it. I would like to be armed with the knowledge I need to ask the right questions when I go to the doctor for my appointment.
Thanks to all of you,
Cathy in MD