Question - Connective Tissue Disease vs. Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease

Hello to all,

I have an upcoming appointment and I am planning to confront my doctor who has been very unwilling to give me any information or understanding of my diagnosis. I am planning on finding a new rheumy but in the meantime, I do want to understand a few things.

She simple stated that I had Connective Tissue Disease that was "Lupus Like", that was it! She did state that I had tested positive for Lupus and RA but that I didn't have all of the proteins for either. She didn't explain what that meant though.

My condition had been worsening over the past few years, especially the last 6-8 months or so and she will not listen. Increased pain in my joints, fatigue, memory problems, etc,

Anyway, my question is simple: Is there is difference between Connective Tissue Disease and Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease? I feel so ignorant to the subject and I apologize for that but I just don't understand all of this. A post by another member really brought this to my attention and now I am really curious. I tried to research it online but could not really find anything for Connective Tissue Disease by itself. I can only find Mixed and Undifferentiated. I incorrectly put Mixed in my profile, which I have now corrected.

I am amazed at how much the members of this site know and understand. If anyone can help me understand this, I would appreciate it. I would like to be armed with the knowledge I need to ask the right questions when I go to the doctor for my appointment.

Thanks to all of you,

Cathy in MD

No difference- all UCTD is that an autoimmune disorder does exist but does not have or has not yet matured into a specific disorder Does NOT mean that your problem or illness is minor does NOT mean that you don't need treatment It only means that you don't have all the markers to identify it as a very specific disorder Many many of us have been diagnosed at one time or another with UCTD as our illness waxes and wanes For 50 years they have gone back and forth with me on UCTD and SLE As my illness lessens and my labs improve there have been several different rheumies that have sworn I only have UCTD- that is until my next crash then I am SLE. Whatever- it is an incurable disorder and a chronic disease that will require monitoring and intermittent treatment throughout your life


Thank you so much! It took me years to get ANY diagnosis and then finally I got Connective Tissue Disease after my daughter was diagnosed with Lupus. But the doctor treats me like it's nothing! The problem is that I don't feel well most of the time and it is just getting worse.

The only thing I noticed the last time they checked my blood work was my inflammation levels, which were normal. However, I have read that those levels are not always meaningful. My joints hurt terribly but the rarely swell or feel warm.

Your answer makes me feel a little bit more sane :)

Thanks again,

Cathy in MD