
im still trying to figure navigating where too post my questions. ok I went to hospital last nite had pleurisy no pneumonia thank god they released me with prednisone 50 mgs 5 pills. neprxen 500mgs 20 pills and an inhaler due too my copd enphezema issues has anyone dealt with pleurisy and whats chances of re-infection and when does prednisone kick in? im barley taking small breaths and coughing is liteally daggers in my left side. any info will be appreciated hope all my sisters and brothers will debilitating issues have some relief today and always thanks vegasgirl

Sorry you are dealing with this. Something that has helped me is sleeping in a recliner and holding a pillow to my chest.
Soft hugs and prayers

thanks for the softness I just recently bought a recliner not sure I can fall asleep yet but I will try thanks a bunch vegasgirl

I get this alot too, I think its worse for me with the copd, I don't know what triggers it but know that the medrol dose paks usually can fix it in a couple of days til the next time, I get it quite often they don't know why hope you get to feeling better soon.

thanks for your reply your advice too everone is always spot-on and well researched. I think you truly, missed your calling in life and should of gone into research, or medical field. well at the hospital they gave me IV meds, breathing txs and 5 50mg tablets prednisone and naproxen. Now one or both had me feeling slightly better by 11pm and was able to sleep .Wow I wish I knew if it was the naproxen cause I usually take morphine and get little relief so my tolerance has built up I guess to it. T hinking at next pain dr. apt to switch to neproxin. and ann yes I smoke its one of the worst things one can do to ones self I know better but am truly having a rough time quitting. Now mind you I coulnt smoke while 2 days involving the pleurisy issue but went right back like a drug addict. its the one vice left in my life and its gotta be the toughest one too kick. Well thanks for your great reply as always your advice to others is a god send I learn through this site more then any dr. could ever dro.just want to add although I was never gonna put this out here I decided too now. My rheumy is great at what she does but I mentioned once about this site and she actually told me id be better off not reading these things itll just depress me. She coulnt be more wrong its what gets me going everyday ok gonna lie in the recliner and like you ann I watch net-flix day in day out. Im a horror movie fanatic favorites were EXORCIST ,HOSTEL TRILOGY, SAW 1=? etc im not scared of blood and gore but that's my thing I also love a good drama or too. have a blessed day and keep the great advice and insight going girl vegasgirl

Ann A. said:

I have been sleeping in my recliner for two weeks -makes it easier to breathe. Pluerisy is inflammation rather than infection. So they gave you prednisone which is a steroid anti inflammatory drug and naproxen which is a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID). Naproxen can be purchased OTC -without a prescription. One common brand is Aleve,

Pleurisy is common among people with lupus. It can be chronic. It can linger and linger and linger. It can keep coming back. If you can figure out what "triggers" it you can sometimes avoid it and sometimes minimize it. I have been dealing with it -off and on - for 46 years. My triggers involve rapid weather changes that go with summer storms- low barometric pressure -high temperature and humidity (where I live in Virginia hot moist air can just sit there and you feel like you are in a sauna). Then the temperature drops and I can feel my pleura when they spasm. It took me years to fiigure out that if I was going to go into stores with the air conditioning blasting that I needed to protect my lungs. This time I got distracted by a class and did not notice rapid changes in the weather.

I am kind of surprised that they did not give you the prednisone in doses that involved tapering off. I usually get a 12 or 21 day dose pack - taper taper taper. My next door neighbor and I have the "third day rule." When I catch her mowing her own lawn, I know she has been on Prednisone. The medrol dose packs generally kick in around day three for me too.

Then I am sitting in my recliner watching Netflix - night after night.

Hope you feel better soon.

thanks hopeful yes the prednisone working thank god and so sorry you also felt this horrific pain well thank god for quickness of the packs have a great day thanks again for your quick reply stay well vegasgirl

hopeful said:

I get this alot too, I think its worse for me with the copd, I don't know what triggers it but know that the medrol dose paks usually can fix it in a couple of days til the next time, I get it quite often they don't know why hope you get to feeling better soon.

I have chronic plursily but did have some improvement during treatments of methotrexate, cellcept and cytoxin… sleeping elevated is important , it helps keep the airway open. 800 mlg ibuprofen worked well for me along with a nebulizer , tudorza, and symbicort unless I was weezing heavily …then id have to get high dose IV steroids as well and always marked the start of a serious flare. Hope you feel better soon:)

dawnceleste, thanks for your reply, I know some of your struggles as ive kept up on all the daily questions everyones replys etc. you are one of our survivors, and a super survivor at that with lots of family and friends thanks again for your reply many well wishs I send to you and yours all day every day . vegasgirl.....

dawncelest said:

I have chronic plursily but did have some improvement during treatments of methotrexate, cellcept and cytoxin.. sleeping elevated is important , it helps keep the airway open. 800 mlg ibuprofen worked well for me along with a nebulizer , tudorza, and symbicort unless I was weezing heavily ..then id have to get high dose IV steroids as well and always marked the start of a serious flare. Hope you feel better soon:)

I'm like you even lung disease and losing both parents to copd can't get me to quit smoking. I've been a pack a day for over 35 years, no matter what its the one vice I still have and am not willing to give it up. Also while morphine won't help with the inflamation it does help with the pain and actually helps with your breathing.

Vegas Girl said:

thanks hopeful yes the prednisone working thank god and so sorry you also felt this horrific pain well thank god for quickness of the packs have a great day thanks again for your quick reply stay well vegasgirl

hopeful said:

I get this alot too, I think its worse for me with the copd, I don't know what triggers it but know that the medrol dose paks usually can fix it in a couple of days til the next time, I get it quite often they don't know why hope you get to feeling better soon.

yes ann I just knew you are a well rounded girl with lots of wit. Wow the hardest one is smoking and to be truly honest im for the first time even entertaining the thought of quitting. But like anything else if your gonna do it and truly are ready why mess with patchs tapering down JUST DO IT im right aren't I? well im gonna give it a try .Not being able to breath is the scariest thing and from what I hear one horrific way the die. oh my god is their truly any other alternative? I think not so thanks for your advice kind words and encouraging thoughts. Ill let you know how im progressing with it. Im not saying im quitting today but I am gonna be aware of my inability to breath good daily so have a blessed day ann talk to you soon VEGASGIRL

Ann A. said:

Dear Vegas Girl,You have busted me. I am a medical sociologist and my entire life is about research and teaching. I am also a nutrition educator.

About 25 years ago I went to the ER with chest pains. I knew it was pleurisy and expected them to give me some Ibuprophen and send me home. But there was so little oxygen in my blood that they spent the night running tests and scheduled a pulmonary angiogram for early the next morning. At some point when I was on the gurney between tests the pulmonologist leaned over and whispered, "If you think you are in pain now, keep smoking. When I see you in 10 you will know what real pain is."

The next few days - a painful blur. It took me several years to become a non smoker. I did patches, gum, and went through an aversion therapy program twice. I even went to a mass hypnosis. What finally worked was one visit to a psychologist trained in hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy also helped me kick my coca cola habit. I hope you find something that works for you. I think the pulmonologist spoke to me at exactly the right moment. I was highly motivated.

I had never seen House. So that is what I have been watching. I am on season four. In between I am creating exercises for the class I an soon teaching - a lot of information retrieval, evaluation, and organization. It is a habit -sort of like smoking.LOL FEEL WELL(ER).

PS - THE MORPHINE WON'T HELP THE INFLAMMATION. I cannot take NSAIDS because of the ulcers. So, I take hydrocodone for muscle and joint pain. When its inflammation I have to use topical NSAIDs and those shortcourses of prednisone. I am blessed. This will pass and I will not need any lupus meds on a daily basis. I never thought that would happen. OK back to House.

wow hopeful were in same boat can I ask your age? im 53 and smoking over 35 years and gotta get a grip not being able to breath is scary one of the only true inhalers that helped a lot is VENTOLIN in grey plastic inhaler I have medicare and Medicaid thank god but its the only rx my ins. wont cover even with drs one time deal saying its the only rx that helps they oked it once but wont again. Now wagreens wants 50.00 for one a month . so I use the small red one pro-air albuterol which doesn't seem to be as stong but thanks again for reply sorry to hear both your loving mom dad had to suffer im with my 83 year old mom thank god shes literally healthy as a horse so shes more like my caregiver which im always feeling guilty about actually after my dad died 2yrs ago I moved out from san fransisco where my husband of 5 years had a major heart attack and I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago in san fran. with lupus so I really did not want to leave frisco the weather was very good for me breathing wise etc. but we do what we must and I felt my place is here with my mom so las vegas here I am ok im going on and on have a great day and wanting to know also how morphine is helpful with breathing better I just thought it was opposite? vegasgirl

hopeful said:

I'm like you even lung disease and losing both parents to copd can't get me to quit smoking. I've been a pack a day for over 35 years, no matter what its the one vice I still have and am not willing to give it up. Also while morphine won't help with the inflamation it does help with the pain and actually helps with your breathing.

Vegas Girl said:

thanks hopeful yes the prednisone working thank god and so sorry you also felt this horrific pain well thank god for quickness of the packs have a great day thanks again for your quick reply stay well vegasgirl

hopeful said:

I get this alot too, I think its worse for me with the copd, I don't know what triggers it but know that the medrol dose paks usually can fix it in a couple of days til the next time, I get it quite often they don't know why hope you get to feeling better soon.

wow ann wow your too much and I think a wonderful human thanks for your thiughts advice etc yes one should do whatever is in their means when it comes too health I do agree. a tidbit years ago I went too two different hypno therepists and wasn't able to be put under its a tripto know how and why people are able to be put under and more so that some can even free themselves of ailments, adddictions etc so ill keep trying its really all I or any of us can do thanks for your wisdom great day be well vegasgirl.

thanks ann much have a great relaxing day vegasgirl