
Some days I get so fustrated with the pain and meds

Hi Taye,

I understand. Anyone who has a chronic illness struggles with this. Just the med trials is an exhausting, frustrating experience.

Allergic said it well in a discussion on the Fibromylagia site, "It's like a merry go round without the merry"!

Hope they can find the right med, the right dosage, and get you some much deserved relief!



Dear Taye...I hear you and understand how you feel. In your blood work, have they checked your Vit. D? Mine was very low so I am taking a prescription dose of 50,000 IUD once a week and 2000 every night. I definitely have seen a difference in the level of pain since taking it. I will have my blood checked in Dec. Even a slight reduction in pain is a blessing!

About the med...yes on occasion I try and cut back because I get so tired of taking it and wonder what the long term affects will be. But when I am off...then I realize how much they are helping.

Hurting and not really understanding why we have to go through this.....To be honest, I daily ask God to give me strength and grace to get through the days and night. And He does. "As your day, so shall your strength be!" Ps.

Praying you will have a break from the pain and have a better day.



Hi Taye

I can handle the 'normal' everyday pain most of the time. It is when I do something out of my regular schedule that I notice an increase in pain. Yesterday, I served on jury duty, and it is just sitting there - right? Wrong. We went up four flights of stairs, the bailiff does it every day, well i was #2, and I tried to keep up, but everyone was behind me. The bailiff realized it up the 2nd flight and waited. I just thought it was 1 flight of stairs or I would have used the elevator. They asked me about my medical condition, and it was a good day for me so I had no concerns. I was really surprised they selected me, but they did. I noticed how COLD I was getting in there, and when we took our first break I asked for a blanket for my legs, I was already wearing my coat. The bailiff took care of me, he didn't find a blanket - but gave me a coat, which worked well to cover my feet and legs. Then we walked about 3 blocks for lunch, I went with 3 other ladies, they realized I didn't move as fast, and slowed down. I noticed how it impacted me when I tried to sleep last night : ( I got up several times, once to get a muscle relaxer. I did finally get some rest, but not what I needed. I'm still learning how all this affects me. Trisha

Hello Taye,

Sorry to hear your in so much pain and it does get alot of us into a frustrated state and where the meds are concerned it's just trying to bare with them.

I really do feel for you as it's one vicious circle for you besides us we're fighting a battle day after day.

My heart goes out to you....Love Terri xxx

I am wondering if your pain is any better. Are you having any bad weather storms in your area?
