Hello - I hope you are having a symptom free day. I have a an issue I would appreciate thoughts on. Ever since my symptoms have become quite aggressive I have been trying to find answers.
I have mentioned a few times before than I am ANA negative however I have very high Thyroid Antibodies, high Sed rate, among a few other things.
My Rhuematologist asked me to get as much family back ground as I could.. My mother was not at all helpful to me despite her sister dying at 52. I guess she cannot deal with the thought she may have 'given' me something?
Just recently my mother told me that when she was pregnant with me the doctor gave her a small white pill. She doesn't remember the name of it and she worried it would cause me harm, but she was extremely sick.
Over the past three years it seems that my symptoms are escalating. Due to the Negative ANA doctors do not seem to believe me and I was recently told I needed to see a Psychiatrist
After spending a week in hospital with Pneumonia, low abdomenal hemorrhage and kidney issues you would think at least one Doctor would sit up and think "Well she can't fake that!", but NO! not a thing.
I'm sure everyone feels the same as me as far as not wanting or needing pity. Just a little understanding about how frustrating these symptoms are would go a long way.
I try very hard to be positive and as soon as possible I want to start an at home business. I can't hold down a regular job anymore because I cannot predict from one day to the next how I'll feel.
My younger sister and eldest daughter refuse to believe my symptoms are as bad as they are. I have never exaggerated how I feel and rarely spoke of it. My eldest daughter lives 5.5 hours away and I simply cannot manage the trip to see her and her two beautiful girls.
When my pain is very high my blood pressure can spike as well. Yesterday though when I checked it it was very low. I get more and more confused. I know how to deal with the high blood pressure but this low blood pressure is a new experience.
One thing for sure we are certainly learning a lot! A young doctor told me a few days ago that removal of the Thyroid cures Graves disease. In a way that is true however I know two people who had their Thyroid removed but sometime later developed Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Thyroid is gone but the corrupt Immune System is still there!
I guess you need to be an academic learner to become a doctor but boy have I met plenty of stupid ones LOL!.
Well if anyone would be good enough to share their story or advise me a little I would very grateful. The hospital didn't tell me why I lost a lot of blood into my lower belly. The next day I looked like I was changing race Ha ha.(no disrespect).
Warm wishes