New to lupus Posted by southern girl on October 29, 2015 at 2:32pm

New to lupus

Hi, my name is Felicia and I am 33 years old and recently was diagnose with lupus-mild case. I been having symptoms for years and been treating those problems but only until this summer when I broke out in rashes and even blisters from being in the sun to long that lupus might be the culprit. So a few months later after bunch of tests, I was told I have lupus. Beside rashes, i have a lot of muscle and joint pains, memory and focus problems, fatigue, and depression. I am on tons of medicine for a lot of different problems i am having. But for lupus i am on plaquenil. So i got a lot to learn about it and what all it can do to you so i want freak out every time something different comes up with me. I am a mother of a son who is 17 and a daughter who is 12 and they are awesome. I been married for 9 years and he is great with taking care of me. I also work full time at a high school in the special need department which I love but is very demanding and stressful so i am completely worn out when I get home. I am grateful i found this group where i can learn and share with others and don't feel all long and people thinking it is all in your head..Be Bless!!

Welcome to the group.

I am glad you have joined us.

Welcome, southern girl. Thanks for joining. This is a kind and supportive community. I’m sure you’ll come to find this like a second home.


purplebutterfly said:

Welcome to the group.

I am glad you have joined us.

Thanks you!!!

BaltimoreBaby said:

Welcome, southern girl. Thanks for joining. This is a kind and supportive community. I'm sure you'll come to find this like a second home.