New symptom

Last week my fore arms were hurts. I don’t know if it muscle or nerve. Don’t get to see Dr until Oct 9! It feels like I over worked it or pulled something it feels weird. Nothing helps it. Started taking msm supplements hope that helps. Any suggestions?

Hi, Beck. Sorry you are in pain. Soothing baths help me with sore muscles and nerves as does Tiger Balm. Please be careful taking supplements without guidance from your doctor. Just because they are natural does not always mean they are safe. Also as it seems to be a new symptom, it would be wise to discuss with your doctor. It could be something other than Lupus or a medication side effect. I hope you find some relief ahead of your doctor appointment.


Thank you for the suggestion, i get a bit ahead of myself with supplements :)

You’re welcome, just a reminder to keep you safe.:slight_smile: