New study finds vitamin D related to sleep quality
In a new study, researchers have found that vitamin D may play a role in the quality of sleep in patients with lupus.Sleep disorders are very common in people with lupus. While the mechanism for this remains unclear, one survey found that 50-60% of lupus patients reported having trouble sleeping.
Thanks for sharing this, very interesting article. I had my blood work done last week from my new internist, and he checked my thyroid, iron and everything was normal except my Vit D is still low... I take 5,000 IU a day, we were both surprised...
Yes, thank you for sharing this! My Vitamin D was low when I was first diagnosed as well. My symptoms first presented as neurological in nature and I've always had difficulty getting a good night's sleep. I can go to sleep fine but wake up during the night. When I was first diagnosed I had very significant neurological symptoms and my muscles would have slight jerks at night when I trying to go to sleep. I was given .5mg of Klonopin at bedtime initially by a neurologist. I would take 1/2 tablet at bedtime and it would help me sleep very well. It is almost like my muscles can truly relax and not be so "jumpy." I still have some of those left and I've told my rheumy how well it helps me sleep and that I feel so great the next day because I've slept well the night before. At this point, she has not wanted to give me an rx for this because she says it is a controlled substance. I don't take any other controlled substances and dont have any history of substance abuse/addiction. It helps me tremendously so I'm a little frustrated by this - I know she is just trying to practice cautiously. Someone said lyrica might help me sleep better at night - if she opposed to giving the klonopin (just enough for 1/2 tablet at bedtime). Could I build up a resistance to the klonopin? I don't know. What do you all recommend? What has helped you all get a better night's sleep? or should I talk to my rheumy in greater detail and push for more help with this? It is amazing how much better I feel after a good night's sleep!!!!!