New job mandatory outside, how to keep down flares

So i have a new job and i'm working outside all day

it's at an ammusment park that's only open for the summer.....

anyway what can i do to keep my flairs down?

Yesterday was my first day and this morning when getting ready i noticed those bright pink cheeks and all that that we all know as a butterfly rash


Please and thank you

Lots of sun protection--sun screen, UV protection clothing, sunglasses, hat, the whole bit. Make sure you get enough sleep at night too.

can't get the hat (uniform) only have time for 8-10 a night and we have a uniform of shorts and a t shirt but i will deff get sunscreen

If it would help, you could make a formal ADA request for a hat. It’s a reasonable enough accommodation that I would imagine it would probably be granted

that's an idea.....i'm tryign to do one to get me a chair....i'm in merchendise and there are plenty of places it would be apporpriate to help