Being at Work During a Flare-Up

I'm in the early stages of one of my bad flare-ups. Ocular migraine upon waking up, needing assistance out of bed and getting dressed, massive malar rash on my face, as well as a rash on my chest and shins, and horrible swelling in my fingers, ankles and wrists. I can hardly move. Unfortunately, I have VERY little sick time left, and didn't want to use it today in fear of this getting worse and needing to use it another day. I need to keep my hours so I can keep my insurance which keeps me "healthy" so I feel like I am stuck in a horrible cycle. So right now, I'm struggling at work. I'm only two hours into my 9-hour shift and I feel like I'm not going to make it. Any advice or suggestions from others out there who have no choice but to work through?

Hello dayzeerock,

I'm unable to help as i don't work no more through my issues but i do know by the way your are and needing so much should be at home resting as this won't help your flare one bit besides draining you out.

There are other member's who work and do find it a struggle and who have had to pack work in and in due course they'll answer you.

(((A large hug Terri))) xxx

Hi dayzeerock,

I so feel for you and wish you could stay home and rest. But I do understand when you have to push ahead and work. For many years I taught school and being sick wasn't an option so I did what I had to do with meds.

I don't know what kind of work you do but the ocular miagraine always affects my vision.. if you have a job that requires your eyes...or even driving is difficult.

Is there anyway you could talk to your administrator and explain your situation? Perhaps she would let you work some extra when you are feeling better to have some "sick days" in reserve?

In some cases you may be allowed to come in later and stay later..

Or change shifts...or give you some flexability.

Does your co. have a extended sick leave policy?

It would depend on the number of days you lose or your inability to work that may show the need to apply for disability. There are several here in the process of doing that, and some links are listed.

How often do you have your flares....or...Are they predictable?

Just tossing around some things. I hope you are feeling better this evening.



I have FMLA for when sick days occur. I also have to use FMLA for my doctor's visits as well. If I get sick I work, I tell them then I call into the FMLA insurance provider. I have to work as well, and my job provides the family insurance for now, so I understand what you are going through. Hope this helps you, it only makes us work to have to deal with all this, but it was like a load of bricks lifted off my shoulders when I started using the Fmla. Hang in there! Hope you're feeling better?!


Hi Dayzeerock,
I’m so sorry to hear how sick you are now. This is not fun having to work sick! I only work part time but I have a friend who’s job lets them workers give each other their sick days, or vacation days. Does yours do that? If it does you might think about “trading” days with someone who might need a day or two for a vacation or sick child. Then you could take a day when you really needed it.

Hope you get better soon,
Debbie (scottieintx)

Hello Dayzeerock,

How are you keeping in your health plus working besides since you added your thread..i do hope your ok plus i do hope members comments have helped you in a large way.

Love Terri xxx

I finally had to take half of Wednesday and all of Thursday off, and I didn't leave my bed except for to use the bathroom in that time. I still feel awful, but I'm at work today, because it isn't as bad as it was before. Thank you all for the concern...hopefully this flare is on it's way out.


I hope that the flare passes quickly for you. I wasnt clear is it the lost pay or getting let go that is the problem with taking sick time? If your company offers long term disability I recommend at least looking at it. Short term (6 months or less) should be covered and offered automatically with your company and as others have said filing FMLA so you cant be fired for being sick. Employers count on employees not knowing their right and intimidate them into working when the best thing for their health would be to stay home and rest. I hope I helped a little. Hope you feel better soon.

Hello dayzeerock,

Thank you for updating we and having wednesday and thursday off and limiting the usage off your body sounds like you've had a good rest....our bodies need good rest from time to time and if we're in flares or aching in general it's the best thing to help recover we can have better days for doing things.

I hope your weekends been a peaceful one.

Hugs Terri :) xxx

dayzeerock said:

I finally had to take half of Wednesday and all of Thursday off, and I didn't leave my bed except for to use the bathroom in that time. I still feel awful, but I'm at work today, because it isn't as bad as it was before. Thank you all for the concern...hopefully this flare is on it's way out.

One thing to consider about long term disability now - is pre-existing condition. I know another member ran into this. I don't know if its changed with Obamacare for long term disability or if that's just healthcare, but its something to consider. Trisha

Julie said:


I hope that the flare passes quickly for you. I wasnt clear is it the lost pay or getting let go that is the problem with taking sick time? If your company offers long term disability I recommend at least looking at it. Short term (6 months or less) should be covered and offered automatically with your company and as others have said filing FMLA so you cant be fired for being sick. Employers count on employees not knowing their right and intimidate them into working when the best thing for their health would be to stay home and rest. I hope I helped a little. Hope you feel better soon.