My visit to Emory

I had my first visit to Emory Hospital in Atlanta. Thr rheumy was very patient, she listened well and she asked and answered my questions. She talked about the importance of tapering the prednisone. She was not to happy that I had not been told to take calcium and vitamin D since I have been on a high dose of prednisone since February.

After studying my notes, previous labs, and the 19 labs from yesterday, she will reevaluate my treatment. She mentioned possibly scheduling a skin biopsy and a muscle biopsy. She is definitely taking me off of Myfortic and is planning on trying Cellcept. New meds will be prescribed after lab results are viewed. I felt pretty good about the visit.

I'm glad you had a good visit, please keep us posted on your next visit.

Hello Dutchess,

Congratualtions on a visit which was worth wild and it sounds like your going to be treated well and like Trisha said please keep we updated.

Terri :)

Glad you had a good visit!

This is wonderful. I hope she finds a treatment that works well for you.