Going to Emory foe a second opinion

Since my diagnosis of Lupus SLE, fibro, and bursitis, I have been on Plaquenil, Prednisone, and Imuran. Nothing seems to be working. I am currently taking 200 mg of Plaquenil, 15 mg of Rayos (delayed release prednisone) and 180 mg (2x) of Myfortic. I am still flaring, fatigued, and swollen almost every day. My rheumy and I decided that I need to go to Emory for a second opinion. I have an appt. on September 6. I am praying for some relief. The brand meds are super expensive. Has anyone been to Emory in Atlanta?

I have not but a friend of mine goes their we live in Alabama and she loves it.

I have not been there but please let me know of your results. I live in alabama in a town with two rheumys and I am not happy with either of them. It might be worth the four hour drive to go to Atlanta to get good care. Hugs,