A very sensitive topic for me, but here goes....oh I hope you don't mind me jumping in here like this...plz let me know if I 've done something wrong by just jumping in here. I just saw this topic, and it's something that has bothered me for a while now....very emotional for me. I used to have some things that I would pride myself on and that was 1- my figure2- my hair 3- my nails. Plz don't mistake this for bragging becuz I'm being very sincere and it is difficult for me to talk about this... Now?? I have horrible hair that is thinning terribly, and falls out every time I brush it! I have always weighed in the 90's to 100lbs, and now???Well, I won't even say what my weight is....Ever since I hurt my neck/back in 1992, I have struggled w/my weight. I currently can't even exercise due to my back for many reasons....one is compression fractures due to prednisone...which of course contributes to the weight gain! But, back to the hair....if I get it cut short...it shows the scalp almost and now I have all these sores/scabs on my scalp and I can't even color it so now I have grey all over on top of it al!! What is a girl to do? I have seen pics of some of the members here and everyone is gorgeous! I am way too embarrassed to even post a current pic of me...maybe someday. Anyway, sorry Ibarged in here, but I do appreciate the post here.