
Anyone know if there is a higher risk for me. Husband was diagnosed with mumps yesterday. Was curious about problems it may cause for me. Also, I am on benlysta.

Hello Jasmine,

There's always an higher risk for anyone one of us if anything crops up wheather it being a cold to mumps because our immune system does'nt work for we, it fights our own body if we pick anything up.

Try and keep a distance from your hubby although this sounds abit soft.

Here's a link which may help besides member's helping also.

((Hugs Terri)) xxx


YES> Absolutely. Have you had all of your vaccinations including MMR's (Mumps, Measles & Reubella) ? If I am not mistaken, it is most have to be current with all vaccinations before starting Benlysta and all other Lupus treatments.

Now, I have looked up the Benlysta trial/studies. There is nothing about any one person in the study getting this. Since I have access to different journals & study websites since I am an RN, free of charge.

Call you DR today. I am on Benlysta, I was told to stay away from people who have any illness. Your DR will have your must current WBC/ANC counts.

This is very serious. Please Please call your DR ASAP.

Hi Jasmine, if you were or still are with Immunosuppressive drugs you have a higher chance to get Mums from your husband.

About Benlysta, I don't know much about it to talk of it.

Try to keep distance with your husband and try to use (both of you) mask to avoid the contagion.

I hope you don't get mums!