I will try to keep this short.
I have alot going on,ME<CFS<FIBRO<LUPUS?VASCULITIS,and failed spine surgery.
Ive been diagnosed,then not diagnosed,with Lupus,i have all the syptoms,but no treatment,i go to see the Rheumy nx wk.
Its my Son,he has all the syptoms of an Autoimmune problem,but hes ignored the syptoms and worked dam hard,going to the gym etc {i didnt know about all this until the Summer of this Yr,he lives in Aussie.He was found fitting really bad in his cab,hes a driller in the mines there,and since then,he has lost his memory,and the Son i onced had isnt the same anymore,its heartbreaking but i dont let him see that of course,i just try to reassure him.
Hes also been diagnosed now with Diabetes,and Kidney problems.
Now when he was in Hospital i spoke to his Doc there,and told him all about my probs,and would they blood test him for any Autoimmune problems,it came back negative,but he has all the syptoms,
Have i given him all this?i feel so bad,and i have 2 Grandchildren 14 and 9 also,i hope they dont too.
Thanks Guys,im just worried,warm hugs everyone x