Morning pain/stiffness

Most mornings, my hips feel like they have been squeezed through a medieval torture device all night…fingers, back, knees, etc.
Does anyone have a good med recommendation? I’m going to rhuemy next week and wanted to ask.

Depends on what meds you are on When I was taking NSAIDs I always took a dose at bedtime to help with morning pain Now I split my prednisone dose- with 1/2 late afternoon to help with morning symptoms- works great

I have the same problem, but I’ve got so much chronic pain day & night that I take (reluctantly, but grateful for the relief) a narcotic pain med 3 times a day. I also take Zanaflex, a muscle relaxer, for the spasms in my lower back, legs, & elsewhere, and an NSAIDS (naprosyn.) I can’t take the naprosyn at bedtime, because if I take it with anything less than a full meal, I pay dearly for it - but I do take it right after dinner. But the pain med & the muscle relaxer I take at 11 pm right before I start trying to go to sleep. Then in the morning, when I wake up at 7 I take the morning dose of pain med & muscle relaxer, then I either go back to sleep or read for 1/2 hr to an hr while the meds have a chance to work - and then when I get up, I am not nearly as stiff and it doesn’t last as long.

I spent many long years getting up, staggering and hobbling around in horrendous pain that first hr or more, as I tried to get dressed & make my breakfast, & THEN taking my meds. Let me tell you, I may “waste” an hour of my day this way, and I am still stiff, but it’s SO much better than the other way, and so much less painful, it’s more than worth it.

I had the same problem with hip pain. Try using a pillow between your knees while you sleep.

My husband bought me one like this from Bed Bath & Beyond. I love it.

I’m a side sleeper and my hips hurt after I have laid on them for a hour or two. I wake up several times a night in pain. I reposition myself and go back to sleep. I haven’t found anything to help with that. Most morning I wake up and my hips hurt. My pain management dr added opana. That has helped a lot during the day, Once I get moving. On days the weather changes or its wet, I struggle with it all day. I also take cybalta, Lyrica, celbrex, for pain too.

I also deal with this. I take helliongoddess’s approach and take my meds immediately after waking up and just lie in bed until they work. I take norco for the pain as well as ibuprofen. I also take plaquenil, prednisone, trazadone, sertraline, and provigil. The anti-depressants help take some of the aching away. Provigil helps me stay awake. I also have a small amount of percocet for the really bad days. I just keep water on my nighttable so I can take them without getting up. It’s the only thing that has helped first thing in the morning. If I have to get up right away then I stagger around bumping into things, adding to the bruises…lol gentle hugs, Annemarie

I also sleep with a pillow between my knees and take a med for restlessleg at night. My physical therapist taught me streatches to do before i get out of bed and they help

What special stretches?

purplebutterfly said:

I also sleep with a pillow between my knees and take a med for restlessleg at night. My physical therapist taught me streatches to do before i get out of bed and they help

Used to have morning very painful morning stiffness all over from half an hour to two hours when getting out of bed

Problem with morning stiffness was 95% helped by my PT. Don't quite know how to describe this, but here goes. Get out of bed in one motion from laying down to standing up. Hands at your sides knees bent, legs together. Do all of it in one motion and then stand up. It also got rid of my morning dizziness too. Only thing it didn't help was my feet which have no fat pads on them so I wear spongy slippers and shoes with spongy liners, otherwise it's OK.

You got to hold on.

Thanks everyone! I’m going to try getting out of bed like that. It sounds almost the opposite of what I’ve been doing.

I have a hard time in the morning also, but I know if I get up and get going the stiffness will work out somewhat in a couple hours.

Wow! I thought I was the only one with this problem. I have problems sleeping on my shoulders and if I sleep on my back it will be stiff and hurt in the morning. I was dx 2 years ago and have been alone in this world. I too take all my meds in the morning and wait until they start to work. I have a hard time getting out of bed in the mornings and walking to the bathroom. Heaven help me if I have to get up in the middle of the night!!!! I thought I was suffering alone with no one to understand. I just found this site and I am glad I did. Thank ya'll!