Missing Doctor's Appointments

Good morning!

I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada so I realize that your situations might be a little different, but here goes. How do you handle being forced to miss an appointment with a specialist at the last minute due to a flare? Our GP is very understanding but at least one specialist is less so. My daughter sees this specialist every three weeks or so, She missed two appointments (4 months apart) then was charged the full amount when she missed a third appointment another 7 months later.

I fully understand that not only do these people have a business to run, but that others are missing the opportunity to use that time.

This doctor is VERY aware of how ill my daughter is, having called an ambulance for her once when she became extremely nauseous during an appointment!

What have you experienced?

Thanks for sharing. I hope you are all as well as you can be today!!

Hi Trying to be positive,

Here in illinois if you cancel 24 hours ahead of your appointment they do not charge you. If it is after that time they will charge a fee, maybe $100. Every drs. office can make their own policies, so this can vary from drs. offices. Unfortunately it doesn't matter if your sick. I noticed that your daughter has some of the same issues as me, loss of vision, nausea, headaches. I just got diagnosed in Dec.2014. It has been a rough road, it is attacking my nervous system and brain. Does the Plaquenel seem to be helping? Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. I know it must be very scary and hard for you to see your daughter go through this.

Take care,


here in florida they do the same thing, if you fail to cancel the day before you get charged for the visit and the insurance does not pay for it, the bad part of it is she should be seeing the doctor when she's in a bad way as hard as that can be to do. I hope she finds a way to see her doctor soon, sounds like she needs to.