
Hi All...I am using methotrexate. It is working for me in ways that are theraputic, BUT it is also have some side effects. One being is my hair is thining. Any ideas to help that particular side effect? Melissa

Hi Mel, I had taken Methotrexate for a very long time years ago. Both pills & then after that didn’t work I gave myself weekly injections. The side effects I had were hair thinning/falling out (in little strands or bunches) nothing like what chemo from cancer does, though. I also was very nauseous/flu like the day or two days after the weekly dose. Say if I took it Mon. then Tues afternoon/Wednedsay I felt yucky. Not vomiting or anything, but my bowels were affected too, (loose), I also had mouth sores on inside of lips and side of tongue & sometimes on gums in mouth, they hurt too. The med. made me extra sun sensititve (quick sunburn). If I think of any others i will let you know. BUT what I was told by my Rheum. at the time was folic acid pills that were subscribed (I believe they were 1mg. each, was taken to relieve some of the effects) I really had been on lots of the folic acid to help. So ask your doctor. I think that is what you have to speak to your doctor about. Definatley give him/her a call. I hope that helps you. The medication itself does help with alot of the problems Lupus causes. Any other questions please let me know, I would be happy to help u with anything. Just let me know. {{HUGS}} Suzie :0)

Well I hope the sun is not going to be an issue as it is out here and I decided to blowup an air mattress and wordship for a bit. I actually have good results with Metotreate...take 2.5mg mon wed & fri...side effects are hair thinning and my body thinks it's pregnant. No cycle for 6 weeks now (which I am loving), but lactating like I was feeding twins, lol. Got to laugh, eventhough it is problably TMI, I just turned 42 and my youngest is 13. My Dr. says none of this will hurt me, just interesting.

The reason i ask about my hair is because I have always been blessed with so much of it and it is down to rear. It is one of my vanities and I really do not wnat to lose it!

Love and Blessings...


Suzie D. said:

Hi Mel, I had taken Methotrexate for a very long time years ago. Both pills & then after that didn't work I gave myself weekly injections. The side effects I had were hair thinning/falling out (in little strands or bunches) nothing like what chemo from cancer does, though. I also was very nauseous/flu like the day or two days after the weekly dose. Say if I took it Mon. then Tues afternoon/Wednedsay I felt yucky. Not vomiting or anything, but my bowels were affected too, (loose), I also had mouth sores on inside of lips and side of tongue & sometimes on gums in mouth, they hurt too. The med. made me extra sun sensititve (quick sunburn). If I think of any others i will let you know. BUT what I was told by my Rheum. at the time was folic acid pills that were subscribed (I believe they were 1mg. each, was taken to relieve some of the effects) I really had been on lots of the folic acid to help. So ask your doctor. I think that is what you have to speak to your doctor about. Definatley give him/her a call. I hope that helps you. The medication itself does help with alot of the problems Lupus causes. Any other questions please let me know, I would be happy to help u with anything. Just let me know. {{HUGS}} Suzie :0)

Melissa, Don’t worry the hair will not be bad at all, esp. on the low dose you are on. I was up to 10 mg. by inj. so that was why i had more effects. I would not be too concerned if i was you. I myself have long hair & I love it long too. I totally understand that. Now, the sun thing is what they say, that you are more sensitive to it, who knows? I always was a sunworshiper, looove it, & that is my vanity, my nice tan I get! BUT now is different story, my body is telling me STAY OUT!!! As you can see by my recent problem with it. :frowning: Oh well, I guess once I get it all figured out by an MD I will know more! Till then my husband says, please don’t go on it, just wait and see what they say, so I guess I will listen…:(. Anyway I am glad you are liking the med., it does really work when it is needed. Keep me posted. & Hey you enjoy life & Have fun! Keep Smiling! Luv, Suzie :0)

M. D. Callender said:

Well I hope the sun is not going to be an issue as it is out here and I decided to blowup an air mattress and wordship for a bit. I actually have good results with Metotreate...take 2.5mg mon wed & fri...side effects are hair thinning and my body thinks it's pregnant. No cycle for 6 weeks now (which I am loving), but lactating like I was feeding twins, lol. Got to laugh, eventhough it is problably TMI, I just turned 42 and my youngest is 13. My Dr. says none of this will hurt me, just interesting.

The reason i ask about my hair is because I have always been blessed with so much of it and it is down to rear. It is one of my vanities and I really do not wnat to lose it!

Love and Blessings...


Suzie D. said:

Hi Mel, I had taken Methotrexate for a very long time years ago. Both pills & then after that didn't work I gave myself weekly injections. The side effects I had were hair thinning/falling out (in little strands or bunches) nothing like what chemo from cancer does, though. I also was very nauseous/flu like the day or two days after the weekly dose. Say if I took it Mon. then Tues afternoon/Wednedsay I felt yucky. Not vomiting or anything, but my bowels were affected too, (loose), I also had mouth sores on inside of lips and side of tongue & sometimes on gums in mouth, they hurt too. The med. made me extra sun sensititve (quick sunburn). If I think of any others i will let you know. BUT what I was told by my Rheum. at the time was folic acid pills that were subscribed (I believe they were 1mg. each, was taken to relieve some of the effects) I really had been on lots of the folic acid to help. So ask your doctor. I think that is what you have to speak to your doctor about. Definatley give him/her a call. I hope that helps you. The medication itself does help with alot of the problems Lupus causes. Any other questions please let me know, I would be happy to help u with anything. Just let me know. {{HUGS}} Suzie :0)