
My rheumatologist has suggested that he would like to start me on a low dose of Methotrexate soon.
Of course when the word 'chemo' is thrown around it's terrifying but is anyone currently using this treatment and can help me understand the side effects and benefits of it?

thanks xx i hope everyone is doing okay

I've been on Methotrexate for about 8 months, and I absolutely love it. I feel so much better on it. I feel very stable, and it has done wonders for my inflammation. I have a lot less joint pain, and even my eyes and gums are much less inflamed.

I started on a low dose and slowly increased until we reached a level that felt good for me. I am on 12.5 mg per week. I was on pills to begin with and had terrible reflux, so I switched to the injections and that is much easier on my GI system.

As you know, we are all different and all react differently to meds, but personally, I have very few side effects. Increased reflux and mouth sores are about it for me. I inject my MTX on Friday night, and I feel a little more fatigued the next day and just rest. My dentist gave me an oral steroid paste to use on the mouth sores when I get them (I only get one at a time, about every other month - so I don't get a ton of them). I've had no nausea, no noticeable hair loss.

I was on Plaquenil for a long time. When that seemed to stop helping so much, they added Quinacrine (a second antimalarial). When I developed an allergy to both of those, we went to the MTX. So MTX is the only lupus drug I'm currently on.

It took several months to see the full benefit, but I saw improvement the first week. My doctor sees me and does lab work every 2 months, and so far, no problems at all. It sounds scary, but I've done fine with it and for me, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Good luck with it. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.


Thank you so much, that is the most comforting thing to hear. I'm not too worried about nausea, nothing tends to make me feel nauseous. The hairloss im already experiencing just from the lupus in general.
i'm currently on predisone, i was on plaquenil but i too developed and allergic reaction to it recently and was taken off it.
The rheumy wants to get me off the prednisone and just have me on the methotrexate. so fingers crossed that's the best option.

redwingfan said:

I've been on Methotrexate for about 8 months, and I absolutely love it. I feel so much better on it. I feel very stable, and it has done wonders for my inflammation. I have a lot less joint pain, and even my eyes and gums are much less inflamed.

I started on a low dose and slowly increased until we reached a level that felt good for me. I am on 12.5 mg per week. I was on pills to begin with and had terrible reflux, so I switched to the injections and that is much easier on my GI system.

As you know, we are all different and all react differently to meds, but personally, I have very few side effects. Increased reflux and mouth sores are about it for me. I inject my MTX on Friday night, and I feel a little more fatigued the next day and just rest. My dentist gave me an oral steroid paste to use on the mouth sores when I get them (I only get one at a time, about every other month - so I don't get a ton of them). I've had no nausea, no noticeable hair loss.

I was on Plaquenil for a long time. When that seemed to stop helping so much, they added Quinacrine (a second antimalarial). When I developed an allergy to both of those, we went to the MTX. So MTX is the only lupus drug I'm currently on.

It took several months to see the full benefit, but I saw improvement the first week. My doctor sees me and does lab work every 2 months, and so far, no problems at all. It sounds scary, but I've done fine with it and for me, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Good luck with it. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.


My body reacts terribly to steroids, especially Prednisone. That's another reason we went to the MTX. We have to avoid the need for steroids, since I am not able to tolerate them (last time I took 2.5 mg of Prednisone, I went into a cardiac arrhythmia). Hopefully you can get off of them. They are harsh.

They are harsh, that's why the doctor is earger to get me off them. I can tollerate the prednisone pretty well though. It's just that it's so bad in the long run, the mtx is a better option. Hopefully the MTX side effects are tollerable also.

I have a million less side effects on MTX than I did on steroids. :P


I, PERSONALLY, did not have good results with it. My side effects just weren’t worth it. I sincerely hope that it works for you! It is a good drug and has been around for a long time. :slight_smile:

However, if it doesn’t work out, take comfort that there are other meds out there for you. I am currently on CellCept. There is always HOPE.

Hugs and best wishes,



AHHH MTX... I have tried this and for me It did not work even at high doses. I lost my hair, eyelashes and it made my eyes very dry. I was on it on for a year. I know a lot of friends on it and have done well with little side effects. Just make sure that you keep track of body changes once you start. I know it's scarey CHEMO, but it's worth a try to make yourself feel better and protect your vital organs. :-)

Thank you everyone. I guess there's a medication out there for everyone that works. We just have to keep searching. <3

I am very happy with my Methotraxte, my Dr. put on plaquenil first for my SLE lupus and I had to get steroid shots in my shoulders and that did not help my pain. My lupus was destroying my cartliage in my joints and I was unable to raise my arms over my head without being in incrusiating pain just trying to walk was impossible . When I was placed on the Methotraxate the pain began to subside after about a month and I'm able to move freely without pain, I'm am also taking oxycodone when the pain gets too bad for me but that is maybe once a day. I still work outside the home and with my meds I can have a normal life as much long as I take my meds each day. I haven't experienced any weird side effects from any of my meds I think that is the time of day that I chose to take them so that they don't clash together.

Methotrexate (MTX) is a common med for Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have been on MTX for almost 6 yrs now. The first time I took it I lost weight and not able to eat much food. went off of the MTX FOR ABOUT 18 MOS and was in remission. Now after 4 years I have been taking 20mg tablets weekly,. It makes me sick with two days down off feeling like a bad flu or flare up. Nausea is the worst part. Sometimes I will have bad side effects and other times I am having a fair amount of effects. Switched to injection which helped decrease the side effects but when there was a shortage of MTX injectable, I went back to pills. I have both Lupus and RA and have been on IV med infusions, chemo, for two years. Currently waiting to try a new IV med in a few weeks.

the first years that I took MTX I was able to work. Have been on disability since May 2008.

I have thin straight hair now. My hair was very thick and curly before. No eyelashes, but still have brows.