Me Time

I have decided that I am taking a couple of weeks to go away to take care of just myself. It may sound selfish, but I have been taking care of my children and my father (not to mention the husband). I have the chance to go and spend time with some family that understands that I am very tired...

My Father is out of the hospital and seems to be doing fine. I have got nurses coming out 3 times a week and a bather that comes out 3 times a week. Also P.T. is coming out 2 times a week. So I know he is in good hands.

I have been so stressed out this past month, that even my meds are not working the way they were. But I have to take care of myself, because if I don't no one else will.


I wish you a very happy, restful and well deserved youtime...keep us posted:)

Oh dear, you are not selfish.... you have to worry about you, and if every in your family is gonna be OK ypu deserv a time for yourself.... enjoy it!

I agree, I don't think it's selfish! Your taking selfcare! We can't give to another if we don't have anything to give. So I think we have to do selfcare to give to other's at all! Good for you! Enjoy yourself and fill up that cup! :0)

Hello Bethany,

You sounds so stressed with what you've typed and if you can go where other's know how you are...then go mate as you've been worried stiff about your dad but i'm pleased he's out of hospital and while your away will be well cared for and the break will do you good.

Your saying is so correct "If i don't no one else will"

((Have a lovely time my dear friend and when are you going if you don't mind me asking.))

Hugs & Kisses Terri xxx


Day 4 of my vacation and I am getting the rest I need... Spoke to the family and it seems like as soon as I left my Dad quit using his walker and started taking care of himself. I truly thought that he needed me, because he acted so weak. Needless to say I am not a very happy camper with him and alot of things will change once I get home.. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.. Take care my friends...

Hello Bethany,

So lovely to hear your getting the rest you need and also for signing in and letting us know how your breaks going.

Bethany it as been known that family besides friends can actually put things on worse than what they are if they're dependant on that person and then it makes such as yourself feel guilty because you need a break but it just goes to show, when you do get back you won't have to be living on your dads doorstep completley worrying...unless it comes to that again.

Well carry on taking your break as you deserve it my friend and all my love to you Terri xxx