Hi Suzie D., Yes i have had a low white blood cell count, i think some of it is because of being on the Methotrexate injections. I do them once a week myself. I think though anyone can get a low white cell count just through having the Lupus as we are immuno-compromised through many other things. Another thing i get is that i get an abundance of white cells in my urine tests which would indicate an infection usually. But whenever they send it off it comes back there isnt an infection, just an abundance of white cells which is peculiar. I have always had this, plus also red cells at times. I have blood in my urine alot you see as well as the white cells. They say its due to inflammation. I was in hospital once and i had my urine tested and it was bright red, no usual colour just bright red. I remember having to take it up to the nurse and her freaking out and saying oh my goodness, is that yours? And saying did the doctor know, so is said yes, thats why i am doing the test! Anyway they lost the first test, so then i had to do it again. Anyway they came back and told me i had bladder cancer, which wasnt right. They just had made an assumption, they hadnt told me they had just assumed this though. So when they told me that i had bladder cancer, they just came over matter of fact said it, walked away, said they would be back later, and stroked my arm for about two seconds and left me crying. So then Dave came in saw me distressed and said whats on earth is up? So i told him, he said okay, lets find out whats going on. Anyway we ended up finding out that i still needed some more tests they just said that anyone who had that amount of blood in their urine it had to be bladder cancer nothing else. So thats why they had just told me it was, and hadnt bothered to say that it "Might be!" and just said that it "was bladder cancer". So you can imagine how i was feeling. It turned out, it was the cyclophosphomide i was on making my bladder bleed, even though i was doing everything i was told to do as i was in hospital at the time. But sorry thats another story to do with red cells, but with white cells its exactly the same i have always had the same thing, either an abundance in my urine, or a lack of white cells in my blood. So it is pretty confusing really. The lack of in white cells the blood is to do with the immunity, which is understandable really isnt it? I felt really tired and exhausted and worse than usual. I felt as though i was having more of a flare, if that helps and very weak, and shaky. Abit like how i have been feeling at the moment although i have been trying to just ignore it. If i manage to get to sleep at the moment, if i get woken up suddenly say by a noise as i am a quite light sleeper, it makes me very jittery, and i feel very funny heart wise, i know that sounds odd but it feels fluttery in my heart region if that makes sense. So i try and put my door buzzer on privacy during the day if i am going to have a sleep, trouble is people leave the door propped open with a big book or paper or something, so people still manage to get in and then when the door goes it makes me really jump as i have slightly nodded off to sleep. I am feeling so over tired at the moment. I dont feel like anyone else understands except for my LWL friends. My hands are all swollen and dry and cracked at the moment, i have been putting lots of hand cream on them that has been especially given to me by my doctor about a month ago. I bought a cheap pair of cotton gloves so i could leave the cream on to soak in and put the gloves over it, so that i would get more of an affect but not working so far, got to give it more of a chance yet i suppose. Hands are really sore though. I tried to get a doctors appointment today but no luck, so have to ring back tomorrow to try to get one for friday if i am lucky. As i have held out and held out, but i think i should now, as its been a while. I am so sorry that you are feeling so unwell as well Suzie. I really do wish i could wish all the illness away and get rid of everyones health issues by waving a magic wand just like that. You are so lovely and i wish i could do more to help you get rid of all the horrible things you are putting up with. You dont deserve any of them, neither does anyone else on here. Please know i am thinking of you all the time and praying for you and everyone else too. Just one more thing having a low white cell count of course makes us more susceptible to infections of any kind. I have had one thing after another lately. And it does affect how we are feeling, we are only human. Having so many lovely friends on LWL has helped me so much to keep me strong and keep going through al the difficult times. Sorry i am abit all over the place at the moment, i hope i am making sense. I am thinking of you, and i really really hope you start to feel a little better soon. Have you seen anyone about all this? Maybe its time to see your Rhuemy again, its hard to know what to do sometimes isnt it? Anyway my dear friend i will say bye for now as i am dont want to waffle on anymore. Take care, look after yourself, prayers, love and huge hugs Astrid40xoxox