Lithium Orotate, Depression, and Lupus


Has anyone here tried Lithium Orotate (it's OTC, not an RX) and had a bad reaction? I have been battling depression and am too sensitive to take medication for it. I have bad reactions to many medications. Lithium Orotate is at the health food store and after researching it and seeing all the rave reviews it had for treating depression, mania, and bi-polar, I decided to try it. I started it one week ago and within a day was lethargic. Four days after starting it I was thrown into a lupus flare after being flare-free the past six months. I'm not sure if it's coincidence that I am in a flare now or if the Lithium Orotate had anything to do with it?

Today I Googled "Lithium Orotate and Lupus" and what do you says not to take it if you have autoimmune disease or Lupus! It supposedly boosts your immune system, which Lupus sufferers don't need. I'm not taking any more as of today. It can also cause Hypothyroidism fairly quick for some sensitive people. I'm just curious if any of you have ever dealt with this mineral supplement?

Thank you for any thoughts. :)

Dear Ann,

I'm sorry you had to go through that and endure the mistake made. :( I stopped the Lithium Orotate yesterday. That was all my mistake! No doctor told me to take that. Just because it's natural and from the health food store doesn't mean it cannot harm you...I'm learning.

I have an appointment with my Rheumatologist next week and I'm going to share my mental state with him. I was too embarrassed to tell him about depression when he asked about 8 months ago. My mental state has been really getting worse since then and I finally went to a Psychologist for that. Now I'm wondering if the depression has anything to do with my CNS involvement? It comes and goes. It's more than just the brain fog I've experienced in the's like a force pushing down inside my head, everything changes inside physically, I feel like I'm in a dream state when it happens and I get so, so down. When it finally goes away I feel normal (well my normal) again.

I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to me and sharing your experience! Thank you.

Okay, I will! Thank you. :)

My LLMD recently recommended this as well so this thread caught my eye. I too struggle at times with some serious depression. Thanks for this info. :)

I’m glad this thread was of some help to you Lulu. :slight_smile:

I would be very wary of taking anything not ok’d by your doctor or psychiatrist. I was on prescription lithium (I am aware that there is a difference between the OTC and Rx formulation) when I was misdiagnosed as having BPD along with Major Depressive Disorder (which I have been treated for since I was 11) and almost immediately my symptoms got a thousand times worse. A psychiatrist that I had later explained to me that most people who aren’t manic react badly to lithium. Once I was off the lithium (I had to be weened off because it is one of those drugs that is dangerous to stop cold turkey) my symptoms returned to “normal” and finally got put on a combo of drugs that help my MDD and PTSD.

It might be helpful to put it in perspective if you think about this, lithium (prescription) requires close monitoring, weekly blood draws are taken as it builds up in your system, once a therapeutic level is reached the blood draws are usually once a moth after that. I have been on nearly every depression and anxiety medication under the sun over the years, I’ve never been on anything else (mental health related) that had to be monitored that closely.

Like stated earlier, just because it’s in a health store doesn’t mean it’s safe for everyone. Taking zinc supplements once nearly landed me in the hospital because it triggered a major auto-immune response and a very nasty flare. Ditto with the “it’s natural” label. Arsenic is natural too but you wouldn’t sprinkle it on your Cheerios. I don’t add anything to my regimen without my doc’s ok, including vitamins, supplements and essential oil therapies. She has also made it clear that when we add something we only add one thing at a time and I’m to keep a symptom journal so we can see how it’s working.

I am not sure how many kinds of depression meds you’ve tried but like I said before I’ve been on nearly everything the last twenty years and some are definitely harsher than others but there are some that I had zero side effects with and like you, I’m super sensitive to medications.

Something else that might help you find a drug that might help is this new gene test. I can’t remember what it’s called right off the top of my head but I had it done a few months ago and it was life changing! You have a buccal swab (q-tip rubbed inside your cheek like they do for DNA testing on cop shows) and send it off to a lab where it is analyzed. You get a packet a few weeks later. The major classes of drugs are broken down into categories and it tells you how quickly (or slowly) you metabolize those drugs.

My doctor was super excited when my results came in because I was the first one that came back as not in the normal range (always knew I was abnormal hehe). Turns out that I metabolize quite a few drugs very quickly, among those were most of the anti-depressants and muscle relaxers that never seemed to work. It was no wonder that I was an emotional roller coaster or my pain would spike, a dose that was supposed to last 6 hours was out of my system in 3. Since the test we have switched some medications and adjusted dosing and it has made a huge difference for me. Along with the packet you get a little wallet card that lets doctors know what groups you metabolize quickly, slowly or within normal range and your info is put into a patient database that allows doctors to access more detailed reports which would be helpful in an ER visit. If anyone is interested in the test I can pass on the info I just don’t have it near me at the moment. It was also 100% covered by my insurance.

Eep! I’ve just written a novel, sorry about my long winded-ness, other than lupus awareness, mental health issues are one of the things I’m most passionate about because we tend to be invisible sometimes. I hope you find something that works for you!

Wow, I am so thankful for your response! I never thought to run essential oils by my doctor. I ordered some for the first time and they're scheduled to arrive tomorrow...the timing of your response is perfect. I will not use until I see Dr. next week. (I heard the Wild Orange in diffuser is helpful for depression. )

I am VERY interested in the gene testing, if you come across the additional info I would like to read about it. Thank you again for sharing your info. I enjoyed your novel! ;)

Glad I could help! My therapist and I are working on some essential oil blends to help combat some of my physical and mental health issues. They really seem to be helping but we are extremely cautious when using new oils. She has been working with them for longer than I’ve been alive and happens to work closely with one of the most known experts when it comes to healing and sacred plants so I know I’m in good hands. But I still always run things over with my doctor too.

I will get the info about the gene test as soon as I’m up and about today, I had a really rough night last night so I’m in zombie mode this morning. If only I could train the pup to put on a kettle for tea I might be a little less zombified lol.

Ok, sounds good! Please take your time getting the info. I totally understand wishing our pets were trained to wait on us. Scooby Doo where are you???? :)