Im so tired

iis from the m always so tired i cant even get up usually until 1030 am and then about two hrs later im back sleeping .i also have fibro to and my wrist and hands are always hurtig . they hurt so bad that i cant pick or grasp things and my back hurts when i try to pic and carry feet swell like my hands and they hurt to sometimes i cant walk and my arms and legs hurt when i move them. is th is from the lupus or fibro .but it seems that no matter how much i sleep im still so tired

Your symptoms can be from either or both. I also have both fibro and lupus then you can throw in a little RSD into the mix. One thing I am slowly learning is not to try to figure out what is causing what. It wastes to much energy that I just don't have. Do what you can when you can and must important be kind to yourself.


I have experienced this too. I have sought treatment. I still have pain, but it is least until Friday. Then I feel like my whole body is swollen and under attack. At this point I am unable to settle down, relax or anything. I usually end up pacing and wondering and laying down and pacing again.

I also have so much trouble sleeping too, and like you for so many different reasons. Seems like if I get my body settled, finally, then my mind races with what I need to do, what I can't do, and I don't want to live as a burden to someone else.

I am empathetic to your situation.

Bless you with peace and love.


Hi, I’m also. I can’t believe how much we all have in common. I had several separate diagnosis and now one desease says it all. I also can’t walk and have swollen and painful joints. My Dr. said I tested positive for R.A. also. That may be your case also. I’m far from a Dr.but I do believe we know our bodies better than anyone else does. I’m still learning to put myself first. I suggest you do the same. I have a lot of anger with some Dr. over this pain issue. Some think I was making all this up and have me listed as a person with a drug seeking behavior. I’m praying for them and me at this point. I hope you don’t experience anything like that. I hope I helped a little bit at least.

Hi Sissy,

I really do feel for you. I barely manage my pain through the week and literally collapse on a Friday afternoon after work. I so look forward to the weekend so that I can sleep in and stay in my PJ's mostly. I'm slowly developing a pattern of going to bed at a certain time and waking daily at 6h20 (yes! happens on the weekend too). I find the timetable for taking pills, going to bed, lying on my heat pad or electric blanket relaxes me. I dont fall asleep immediately but the heat sure does help. If its the warmer season and get the airocon going, keep myself covered and still lie on the heat pad and blanket. Give this a try if you can. Try to get up and about just a little, and if you really cant, indulge yourself. Its ok to feel tired and to rest.

Wishing you well and a restful week and weekend ahead.
