I SUFFERED and found help........wanted to share

I recommend dr caldron he is a D.O for Rhuematology, and I see Dr Heidi Ungar D.O, at Family physicians specialist off 44th and camelback...worth the drive

I cant see dr Caldron because I see dr benett... and they are in same office...and do to business reasons they said I cant transfer doctors..but that's who I wish I would have seen,

good man,

and Dr Ungar is amazing....Heidi and her father

StillStanding48 said:

Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.What an inspirational post.Im not sure i have the words to say how we all relate in one way or another and to hear you are healing in so awesome & hopeful***Many Blessings To You**Hugs~xo

btw...Can i ask what doc you go to as im in phoenix as well?

This is wonderful news. I am so very happy that things are looking better for you. I am always interested in what works for lupus patients. It is so important for us all to share our information because the only ways to get through this disease is to become educated about our options.

Thanks so much for sharing with us. Please keep us informed on your progress.

Take good care.

thank u auntpearl...... I sure will.

I know benlysta has worked for me.... as far as joint pain...its reduced it by 70 & until night time...or unless I overdo it. which happens frequently.

it really does slow down the immune system.

so my last sinus infection was horrible

auntpearl said:

This is wonderful news. I am so very happy that things are looking better for you. I am always interested in what works for lupus patients. It is so important for us all to share our information because the only ways to get through this disease is to become educated about our options.

Thanks so much for sharing with us. Please keep us informed on your progress.

Take good care.

hi lifewithlupus i was wanted to tell you that i was recieving benlysta in 2011 and i was not doing well like yourself before the benlysta was advised for me by my specialist because of my condition and all the meds that are usually given for sle lupus were unsucessful so i really was soo happy that this might be the answer my lupus got worst the depression was like no other depression i could explain the only way to explain for me it was deadly but whlie getting the treatments with my determination that this was going to work and keeping in mine its like chemo! soo i thought i should be sick like this and that it would get better i had even had people tell me keep trying you will get sick but this could really help you so iam thinking yhea i want to be better i want to have my life back so bad that i was dieing while recieving the infusions my doctor said that is it no more!! he said why would you want to continue when its making you worst, i did not want to hear that because this was the one drug that i was hoping for it made me soso sad because the funny thing about the infusions i recieved somewhere between the 4th or 6th one i actually fault like dancing i had felt that good but it did not stay it had only gotten worst for me on the benlysta sitebenlysta.com it stated benlysta can cause serious sideffects some can cause death it is not known if benlysta causes these sideffects infections,heart problems mental health problems and suicide if you have these problems it can make it worst and they list many sideffects you can look over and they state they are not sure if its safe for people with sever central nervous system lupus and nephrititis,i wish you all the best and more i hope your success and outcome is so much better then mine

wow! Rhonda.....I agree ...belysta is another form of chemo....Its like half chemo.... taking down half of your immune. I do watch for infections. but my infections are no worse than they were PRIOR to benlysta. the depression was severe before benlysta. I suffered bfore benlysta. I just didn't have the money 55 dollars for each visit...every 2 weeks. then monthly. so it was money that ket it away. but once I could afford the treatments.....my body responded well. it really cut down on all my arthritis symptoms. onthat 4th week when I am suppose tog et the nmeds...I feel my bofy going crazy again. but I so appreciate you sharing..... for now.....I am grategul. biu oNe day......ONE day,.....I will be medicine free again!!!!!!!!!!!

rhonda said:

hi lifewithlupus i was wanted to tell you that i was recieving benlysta in 2011 and i was not doing well like yourself before the benlysta was advised for me by my specialist because of my condition and all the meds that are usually given for sle lupus were unsucessful so i really was soo happy that this might be the answer my lupus got worst the depression was like no other depression i could explain the only way to explain for me it was deadly but whlie getting the treatments with my determination that this was going to work and keeping in mine its like chemo! soo i thought i should be sick like this and that it would get better i had even had people tell me keep trying you will get sick but this could really help you so iam thinking yhea i want to be better i want to have my life back so bad that i was dieing while recieving the infusions my doctor said that is it no more!! he said why would you want to continue when its making you worst, i did not want to hear that because this was the one drug that i was hoping for it made me soso sad because the funny thing about the infusions i recieved somewhere between the 4th or 6th one i actually fault like dancing i had felt that good but it did not stay it had only gotten worst for me on the benlysta sitebenlysta.com it stated benlysta can cause serious sideffects some can cause death it is not known if benlysta causes these sideffects infections,heart problems mental health problems and suicide if you have these problems it can make it worst and they list many sideffects you can look over and they state they are not sure if its safe for people with sever central nervous system lupus and nephrititis,i wish you all the best and more i hope your success and outcome is so much better then mine