hey guys. sorry I've been gone. My 3 year old had surgery then My grandma collapsed and had a pacemaker put in followed by My now 2 year old as of Saturday was hospitalized for 4 days. all of that stress has thrown me into one hell of a flare. I'm having problems with pain and I've pain in My back/kidney/lungs for Going in three months now.I'm terrified of what's Going on with that. i go to My Lupus Dr Friday. I'm having numbness in My toes and My hands. I'm just scared My kids are So young i don't want something to happen to me
It's more important than ever that you try to avoid stress (I know, easier said than done) but we know that stress is a huge trigger. I know that you are scared, but you will be okay. We will all be praying for you.
Sorry you've had so much happen. Try to relax--take a hot bath, drink some tea, read a good book, etc. Praying for you and your family!