Has anyone heard from Janice today? Saturday Before Mother's Day

Janice was not feeling well at all last night and I have seen a post from her today. Has anyone heard from her?

hi ann, i m here...still ticking...thank you so much for your concern. I really was feeling bad last night but today was better. I don't like the turn this chf/adrenal combo is turning...i feel that panic "i think i might die" feeling when it goes bad. But I made a promise to myself that if I start to feel worse on the weekend I will think twice and then again before going to the er.

it is definitly getting worse, but as Aticus says, "It's not time to worry yet."

But I feel so cared for...honestly, it makes me cry to think how wonderfully you and my all Lupus family make me feel. And my children too...they are turning out to be people that must have been raised my angels while I was out running with the wolves. May you have a peaceful night tonight and a joyful day tomorrow.

God bless you,


Janice my love and prayers are with you and please let us know how your feeling.

Your loving friend Terry xxx