How long is a flare can last

Hello every one .
I was wondering ,how long a flare can last ? Can its last 10 month? Can it came and go every few weeks? Even when it’s treated ?

YES AND YES I prefer to think of it as my disease is active rather than a flare and even when active the symptoms can vary from ild to severe- just the nature of the beast

I agree with Poobie. Seems like flares are never ending. It’s just active Lupus without remission. I’ve never had a remission. However, flares are the extreme pains and fatigue that leave you bedridden or in the hospital usually. They come and go as they please.

O YES!! It can last for a long time it can come and go from one day to the other and it can also go into remission for a long periods of time

Flares do whatever they want, when they want, everyday is just another adventure some good some not so good, with time you learn to take the good with the bad. There's no real answers, its the nature of the beast.

All we can do is take each day as it comes.....have a plan for when we're feeling really bad, read, do hobbies if we're up to it, catch up on your favorite TV shows, watch movies....I have a ton on tape (how old fashioned am I????) And on the good days, do what we can...laundry, grocery shop Etc......I didn't want to mention cleaning house !!!!! Everybody, have a good day, no matter how you feel.

Yes, & yes. My first (& only) flare just ended after almost three excruciating years. I'm so glad to be out on the other side, but realize that inflammation can raise its ugly head at any time. I am on a lot of meds, but after almost losing my kidneys, I have no complaints (other than lots of joint pain as I wean off of Pred).

I read someone posting a flare lasted years. I know I’ve only been diagnosed since january with no relief for years. I’m relieved to know that I’m not the only one and that is “normal”. Thanks so much for asking this.

Hello that’s a question only you can really answer, because everyone are not going to be the same!! But if it goes on more than 4dayz it is time for yu to talk with your doctor hope you come out of the flare Beverly L.